Lecture 10: NMJ formation Flashcards
what is the strucutural backbbone of axons
descrbie microtubules in axons
hundreds of microm
unusually stable
unipolar bundles
what are the tip of axons like
migratory cells
how are axons established
migratory growth cone at tip
as migrate leave behind axon
what are growth cones
the migratory tip of each axon
what is the property of severed growht cone
continue to navigate
what is the principle for spatial preferences with eg
key in lock = certain cells have the relevant receptor for the signal
eg the extension of neurons in the retina of frogs
the rught retina connect to the left tectum and vice versa
give the moleculr details of spatial prefernce example of neurons and retina in frogs
gradient of EphA3 in retina highest in temporal lowest in nasal
gradient of EphrinA2 A5 in tectum highest in posterior
repel eachother
neurons from the temporal (high Eph) to the anterior (low ephirn)
and nasal (lowEph) to posterior (high ephrin)
what are growth cones composed of
mt (stop at neck)
actin (rich at the peripery/sgl fibres)
how does guidance signalling of axon work
key lock
give examples of receptor-signal combination invovled in grwoth cone migration
signal - rec slit -robo (repel) sema3A - neuropilin ephrinB2 - EphB ephrinA - EphA
what ssignal receptors are differentially expressed in the lateral and medial lateral medial column (LMC)
ephrin b2 in medial
ephrin a in lateral
describe how slit-robo controls motor axon establishment
slit is expressed in the floor plate
repel the robo2 positive motor neurones but not the commisural neurones
describe robo1 and robo 3 action
expressed in the commisural neurones
robo1 can repel
robo3 dom negative - couples up with robo1 - makes complex not repel therefore can cross midline
loss of robo3 - preventss midline crossing of the commisural neurones
what diseases have robo3 mutation
HGPPS (horizontal gaze pulsy with progressive scollosis)
cant look left anf right
lots of neruones dont cross midline