Lecture 10 - Infections Of The Repro Tract Flashcards
What are some important STIs?
Genital Herpes
Genital Warts
What are 2 non STI reproductive tract infections?
Thrush (candidia albicans)
Bacterial Vaginosis
Who are more likely to get STIs, young or old people?
What ethnic group has a risk of STIs?
Black afrocarribean
What are some risk factors for developing an STI?
Not using protection
Multiple sexual partners
Certain sexual practices
Sex workers
Early age first intercourse
Lack of immunisation
Being young
What is the main symptom of STIs?
Men = urethral
Women = vaginal
Can vaginal discharge be normal?
Can urethral discharge be normal?
Vaginal discharge be normal
Urethral discharge in men never normal
What does physiological vaginal discharge look like?
White or clear non offensive discharge
What is the causative organism for Vaginal Thrush?
Candida albicans
How does vaginal thrush infect a patient?
Candida albicans is normal vaginal flora but it gets “activated/overgrows” in immunocompromised states, diabetes or after antibiotics
High oestrogen favours it
What increases the risk of developing of Vaginal Thrush/Candida albicans infection?
Diabetes (High sugar)
Post antibiotics (dec normal flora)
High oestrogen (combined oral contraceptive pill)
What are the symptoms of Candida albicans?
Vulval/vaginal itching
White NON SMELLY cheese like vaginal discharge
Painful intercourse
Pain on urination
What is the term for painful intercourse?
What is the term for painful urination?
How would you treat candidia albicans?
Given straight into vagina (Pessary)
What is the main causative organism for bacterial vaginosis?
Gardnerella vaginalis
What are the main risk factors for developing Bacterial Vaginosis?
Vaginal washes/douching
Receiving oral sex
What is the basic reason bacterial vaginosis develops?
Normal flora is overgrown by the anerobic orgaisms like Gardnerella vaginalis
Lactobacilli no longer around maintaining low pH
What type of cells are seen on a gram stain for bacterial vaginosis?
Clue cells
What are the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis?
Fishy smelling thin white discharge
What is the treatment for bacterial vaginosis?
Oral metronidazole
Clindamycin gel
What is the most common discharge causing STI?
Chlamydia trachomatis
What type of organism is chlamydia trachomatis?
Obligate Intracellular bacterium with a unique cell WALL
Why cant chlamydia trachomatis be gram stained?
Has a unique cell wall
It also prevents phagolysosome fusion
What are the symptoms of Chlamydia in women?
70% asymptomatic
Inc/smelly discharge
Postcoital or intermentstrual bleeding
Deep dyspareunia
What are the symptoms of chlamydia in men?
50% asymptomatic
Urethral discharge + urethritis
What type of organism is Neisseria Gonorrhoeae?
Gram negative diplococci
what colour do gram negative bacteria stain?
What are the symptoms of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae infection in men?
90% men symptomatic
Thick yellow discharge
Often dysuria
What are the symptoms of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae infection in women?
50% asymptomatic
Inc/altered discharge
Lower abdominal pain
Intermenstrual bleeding
What do you treat if you suspect Chlamydia Trachomatis or Neisseria Gonorrhoeae?
Treat for both even if you only suspect 1
What 2 antibiotics are given to treat bacterial STIs (Neisseria Gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia Trachomatis)?