Lecture 10 again Flashcards
When did cyanobacteria evolve on the planet?
3500 mya
When did live evolve on the planet?
4000 mya
How many bacterial species are there?
10^7 - 10^8
How many cells are there at any one time?
Where are the majority of bacteria and archea?
Oceanic sediment
Terrestrial sediment
What is metabolism?
Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions that occur in living organisms in order to maintain life
What is phototrophy?
Bacteria that use light as an energy source
What is chemotrophy?
Bacteria that use chemical bonds as their energy source
What are the three methods that bacteria can acquire energy?
What is autotrophy?
When bacteria use carbon dioxide as their energy source
What is an heterotroph?
An organism that uses Organic compounds as thier energy source
What is a liphotroph?
An organism that uses inorganic compounds as it’s electron source
What is special about Microcystis?
Can ferment in Winter and use photosynthesis in summer
What is the terminal electron acceptor in aerobic organisms?
What are the two main methods of bacteria generating energy?
Substrate level phosphorylation
Oxidative phosphorylation
Why is ATP synthesis in bacteria evidence towards endosymbiotic theory?
It is essentially the same as in mitochondria