Lecture 10: Affective Disorders Flashcards
Affective (Mood) Disorders are mental disorders with ___ behaviors or moods
Affective Disorders are characterized by dramatic changes or extremes of ___
According to the DSM-5, a diagnosis of major depressive episode can only occur if five or more symptoms are present during a __ week period
For the diagnosis of major depressive episode, one must exhibit either ___ mood or ____ as one of the symptoms
depressed mood; loss of interest/pleasure
A diagnosis of major depressive episode can be given if symptoms are not related to ___/___ and result in distress or impairment in functioning
substance use; medical conditions
Clinical depression is characterized by depression symptoms that are displayed for less than __ weeks
When symptoms of depression last more than 2 weeks, one can be diagnosed with _______
major depressive disorder
_____ is a disorder associated with less severe symptoms of depression that are displayed for at least 2 years
Dysthymia (persistent depressive disorder)
Depression with at least one mania episode is termed ___ ___
bipolar depression
Clinical studies on depression often include both ___ and ___ depressed individuals
unipolar; bipolar
People with depression have been shown to have __ thyroid function
TRH treatment in 4/5 depressed individuals reduced depression scores lasting for __ hrs to ___ weeks
3 hours to several weeks
Thyroid hormone treatments are often given together with ____
Roughly 50% of depressed patients have excessive production of the steroid hormone ___
In depressed people, dysregulated HPA Axis function is ___-dependent
state-dependent (normalized with elevated mood)
What type of cortisol levels are associated with low mood?
Very low or very high
Sex differences in affective disorders can be seen as early as ___
Women are at ____ the risk for developing affective disorders than men
Estradiol levels in depressed women are ___ compared to non-depressed women
____ treatment can improve mood and depression scores in women
For non-depressed women, treatment within physiological range is sufficient. For depressed women, ___ treatment doses are needed (15 to 20x)
Women with a history of depression experience an increase in depression symptom severity when __ is withdrawn
___ is a disorder that is associated with the endocrine changes of pregnancy and parturition
Postpartum depression
What is the best predictor of postpartum depression?
Prior postpartum depression
What type of postpartum depression lasts less than one week and is associated with crying and feelings of sadness?
Maternity blues (baby blues)
What type of postpartum depression lasts 4-8 weeks and is associated with irritability, fatigue, crying, insomnia, depressed mood, and feeling of inadequacy
Mild to moderate postpartum depression
What type of postpartum depression lasts 2-12 weeks is rare and can involve attempt to harm an infant?
Postpartum depressive psychosis
Postpartum depression can be due to withdrawal of ___ opioids, cortisol ____, or variations in DNA methylation of ___ gene
endogenous; dysregulation; OXTR
Men experience postpartum depression too. However, it may be disguised as what?
-Antisocial behavior
-ETOH/drug abuse
____ Disorder, also known as winter depression, can be diagnosed as bipolar II or atypical bipolar disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Individuals with ___ exhibit symptoms of depressed affect, lethargy, loss of libido, anxiety, inability to focus attention/concentration.
Seasonal Affective Disorder
When do symptoms of SAD typically occur?
These symptoms occur during late fall and winter
What are three symptoms of SAD that make it different from non-seasonal depression?
1) Hyperphagia (excessive eating)
2) Carbohydrate cravings
3) Hypersomnia
There is a higher prevalence in ____ disorder in regions with higher altitude
What population is Seasonal Affective Disorder most prevalent in?
The ___ gland converts serotonin to melatonin
The production of what neurotransmitter is impacted by diet?
How does carbohydrate intake related to serotonin production
Greater carb intake, greater serotonin
What hormone is involved in the circadian rhythm control?
Melatonin production and secretion are heavily influenced by ___. It is made at greater concentrations at ___
light; night
___ can synchronize daily melatonin secretion rhythm and can acutely suppress daily melatonin secretion.
Several hours of bright light treatment in the morning can decrease ___ symptoms
Bright light treatment has ____ effects and it can realign inappropriately entrained circadian rhythms
True or False: Bright light treatment during the day has the same beneficial effects on mood
What other treatments can alter biological clocks?
1) Sleep therapy
2) Antidepressive pharmacological treatment
To suppress melatonin at night, ____ illumination is required in humans (at least 1500 lux)
Studies suggest that over the span of a week, an exposure to ___lux before sleep is enough to delay circadian clock timing as well as decrease melatonin