Lecture 10 Flashcards
what study types seek to summarize the available evidence on a given topic in a comprehensive and systemic way
- systematic reviews
- meta-analyses
systematic reviews and meta-analyses can help clarify intervention effects when ___ studies are available or when ___ evidence is apparent
- only small studies are available
- conflicting evidence is apparent
systemic reviews also form the basis for ____
- guidelines
in the past, content experts have often written reviews, called ____ which summarized the available information on a given topic
- narrative reviews
how can narrative reviews be biased
- depends on how the studies were chosen to be in the review
______ are rigorous studies that attempt to comprehensively search and review all the available literature on a given topic
- systematic reviews
a typical systematic review will include each of the following elements:
- formulate a focused _______
- define admissible ______
- search for relevant _____
- select and _____ studies
- synthesize the ____
- _____ the evidence
- question
- evidence
- studies
- assess
- evidence
- interpret
____ refinement is an essential part of systematic reviews
- topic
the best focus of a systematic review is a concise _______ that is generated after establishing the key questions to be addressed
- PICO formatted clinical question
- patient
- intervention
- comparison
- outcome
may also include a study time, setting, and study design
after formulating the research question, the next task is to do what
- conduct the literature search
what is grey literature
- meeting abstracts
- trial registries
- unpublished data
systematic reviews should contain a ____ describing how studies were selected and the number of studies ______ and reasons for it
- flow diagram
- excluded
what is the best method for systematic review studies
- dual review
the assessment of studies for their quality is often referred to as
- risk of bias
once the data have been extracted, investigators will need to decide whether to combine studies into pooled analysis (______) or only qualitatively describe the body of studies they have found (________)
- meta-analyses
- systematic review