lecture 10 Flashcards
What is risk?
o Uncertainty of outcomes
o A range of possible outcomes where we can measure the likely probability that the outcome will happen
Some risks are within your control eg. Cancer from smoking
Some are not e.g. getting hit by lightning
o Uncertainty
Not able to put a number to the probability occurring
Risk management
o A branch of management that provides a systematic approach to the management of pure risk
o Procedure Identify the risks, premature death, Evaluate the risks • lump sum costs, funeral etc • costs that change because of injury
Methods of quantifying risks===Multiples approach for the provision of dependents
Amount when invested will produce an annual income similar to the pre-death income
Take gross income and apply a rate of return
Is simple but ignores inflation and other resources
oMethods of quantifying risks= Needs analysis approach
Calculate amount needed for the dependents to maintain their standard of living
• Dependent needs change at different life stages
Calculate the resources the dependents currently must meet those needs
Cover needed = needs – resources
Discussion with the client for needs analysis approach
o Listen to what is important
o Need to consider more factors
o Provide as much detail as possible
o Educate the client as to how you calculated the sum insured
o Inform client on any assumption used in calculation
o Insurance underwriting involves evaluating and measuring the risk and exposures of potential clients
o They decide
Coverage client should receive
Premium level the client should pay
Whether to accept the risk and insure the client completely or with exclusions or to decline the risk
o The information used to evaluate the risk of an applicant for insurance will depend on the type of coverage involved. Factors need to be considered Age Gender Health status Smoking status Recreational pursuits Occupation Location of residence
Risk management 2
o Handle the risk
Retain the risk
Transfer the risk to another party
What is insurance?
o A practice by which a company or government agency provides a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, death in return for payment of a premium
o Insurance is not a free lunch for the insured
Will pay premiums to the insurance company
Premium will therefore incorporate the probability of the insured suffering a loss, the size of the payout, and an appropriate discount factor
In aggregate, insurance company expects to collect more premiums then they are expected to payout
The insurance marketplace
o Insurers Three broad categories of insurance companies • Life insurers • General insurers o Property o Liability • Health insurers o Provide hospital and medical cover
o Intermediaries
Agents and brokers, arrange insurance for clients
The insurers representative whose function is to arrange cover for client= agent
Broker = insured’s representative to ascertain the client’s needs and arrange best term for the client
o Regulators
ASIC = Consumer orientated
APRA = Prudential regulation
Principle of utmost good faith
o Insurance is a contract between the insurer and the insured
o Based on good faith, highest degree of honesty
o There is a duty to disclose all the material facts that would influence a reasonable and prudent insurer
o Consequences, contract can become void
Life insurance
o Provides a lump sum to the policy owner or the nominated beneficiaries if the insured person dies
o A term life policy pays death benefit when person dies during period of insurance
o Whole life policy pays the death benefit when person dies
Only have term life in Australia now
Life policies
o Are now term life
o Policy features
Indexed sum insured
Options for policy duration
o Some common exclusions
Suicide within first 13 months of insurance coverage
Self-inflicted injuiries
Death resulting from war and warlike activities
Where are pre-existing condition that was not disclosed to the insurer before entering the cover is the cause of death
Disability Policies
o Duty Based
Unable to perform any of the principal income producing details
o Time Based
Unable to perform own occupation for more than 10hours per week
o Income based
Unable to generate at least 80% of their pre-disability income through personal exertion in occupation
types of total and permanent disabilities
o Own Occupation TPD People who qualified in a specific occupation Specialist Prove can’t work in own occupation 50% extra loading on premiums
o Any occupation TPD
Can’t go back into workforce
Cheaper premiums but harder to prove
Disability insurance
o Income protection
Provides cover that replaces income in the event of the insured being unable to work because of accident
Income protection
o To manage expenses if you are unable to work for a certain amount of time due to injury / sickness
o Monthly sum insured
Usually up to 75% of lost income
Due to having access to sick leave, annual leave, workers comp etc.
o Waiting period
Most benefits are subject to a waiting period before the benefits become payable
Shorter waiting period = higher premium
o Benefit payment period
Maximum period for which a claim is payable
Shorter period = lower premiums
Key features of income protection insurance
o Type of cover
1> Indemnity cover
• Based on 12-month consecutive period of pre-disability earnings
• For those with stable income
2> Agreed value- based on agreed level of income
• Greater contractual certainty but 15-20% more expensive
• For those concerned with income fluctuations or periods of leave
o For business owners, there is business overheads insurance
Where the insured is largely responsible for producing business income
Covers fixed, not variable expenses
Trauma insurance
o Provides a lump sum if the insured person suffers a trauma condition
o E.g. Heart attack
o Tax free lump sum payment
o No restriction on how it can be used
Trauma insurance - Premium Structure
o Stepped premiums
Recalculated at each policy renewal, increases with risk factors such as age
May seem less expensive than level premiums in the short term
o Level premiums
Calculated based on age at start of policy
May pay a little more when you take out the policy
Premiums are generally less expensive than stepped premiums
Arranging insurance through a superannuation fund
o Risk policies eg. Life, TPD, IP, can be arranged via super
o Advantages
Premiums are less due to group underwriting / super fund bargaining power
Life and TPD premiums may be tax deductible by the fund
o Disadvantages
Payouts to super fund, event may not trigger condition of release, trapped until preservation age
o Necessary to have a binding death nomination to overcome issue of trustee discretion
Pros of insurance inside super
o Premiums are paid with pre-tax dollars, so they are cheaper (life insurance only)
o Negotiate cheaper rates, dealing in bulk
o Automatic acceptance up to certain amounts of cover, no need for health checks
Cons of insurance inside super
o May not be able to access the benefits until retirement or a condition of release is met
o Death benefits may be taxed, depending on whom the benefit is paid
o Cannot insure for TPD own occupation
o If you have insurance inside super and you change employers, you will have to apply for new insurance
o Estate planning issues
If the policy is owned by the life insured it is generally paid to the estate and distributed based on will
Policy owned by super, important to have a legally binding death benefit nomination
If policy is owned by 3rd party, proceeds are paid to them
Types of insurance
o Personal Life Disability Income Trauma
o General Liability and indemnity Workers compensation Business Travel Content Health