lecture 1 Flashcards
What can a financial planner help a client with?
o Building Wealth
Debt management, expense management
o Using wealth in retirement
Retirement planning
o Protecting wealth Asset protection • Person = an asset • E.g. life insurance, trauma insurance (medical catastrophe), total and permanent disability, Income protection Estate planning
What is financial planning?
o Process whereby client’s financial position is analysed
o Set of strategies / recommendation put in place through a financial plan
o People-orientated business
Helping people achieve their financial goals
o Most people are financially illiterate
FP is an educating role
o Satisfying the needs of clients
Every client has needs, objectives, requirements,
financial circumstances, family circumstances, motivational factors,
Need for financial planning
o Ageing population
o Government encouraging retirees to self-fund
Shifting away from pensions
o Superannuation
Mandatory SG contributions
Tax concessions for personal contributions
o Age pensions
Stricter eligibility requirements
o Complexity of legislation
Many different laws e.g. superannuation industry supervision act, trustee law, common law
o Complexity and choice of investment products
Retirement income stream products
Gearing products
The future of financial Advice
o Represents a comprehensive government response into financial products and services
o Set up in the wake of financial collapses and scandals
o New elements
Requirement for advisers to get clients to renew their advice agreement every 2 years
A ban on any form of payment relating to volume or sales targets
Ban on soft dollar benefits, where a benefit is 300 or more
Key FOFA Components and obligations
o Components
Best interests duty
Conflicted remuneration
Fee disclosure statements and opt-in notices
o Obligations to Act in the best interest of the client Provide appropriate advice Give an incomplete advice warning Give priority to client’s interests
Have a reasonable basis for advice
o Client-centric not product-centric
o Know client rule
o Know your product rule
The provision of advice to clients is not an easy matter
o Each client is different
o Needs of a client change over time
o Assessing the risk profile of the client
o What type of investment is appropriate for the client
Term deposits, managed funds, property, direct shares, international shares, bonds
o Impact of economic variables
o Changes in government legislation
Economic Environment
o Advisors and clients do not operate in isolation to the economy and the market
o Advisors need to be aware of the impact of the economic environment both micro and macro
The regulatory environment
o Financial planners work within an environment that Includes
Strict regulations
A strong financial association
Client / advisor fiduciary relationship
Professional associations and training required
Australian securities and investment commission
Principle regulator of the financial services industry
Responsible for consumer protection
Australian prudential Regulation Authority
Principle regulator of the superannuation and insurance industries
Responsible for: Compliance with SIS Legislation, Regulation of professional superannuation trustees
Australian Taxation Office
Responsible for administering tax legislation
Responsible for administering self-managed superannuation funds
Financial Planning Association of Australia
Peak organisation for financial planners
Works to enhance the professionalism of the industry and the image of planners in the eyes of the industry
Codes have been established to protect interests of clients
Common Law
o Based on precedent – the decisions of previous judges over time
o A fiduciary relationship between a professional and a client is recognized in common law
Act in the best interests of the client
o The concept of the fiduciary obligation owed by a financial planner to a client is to be enshrined into statutory law
Licensing requirements – AFSL
o Any person wanting to provide financial product advice or deal in a financial product is required to hold an Australian Financial Services License
o Exemptions from holding a license include
Authorized representatives
Real estate agents
Providers of health insurance
ASIC – Policy statements
o Issued many policy statements outlining how certain provisions of the Corporations Act 2001 are to be applied to the financial planning discipline
Financial Services Guide
o Purpose is to ensure that clients are given sufficient information to enable them to decide whether to obtain financial services
o Must be given to client at the earliest practical opportunity before a financial service is provided
o Includes
Name and contact details
Kind of service offered
Basis of remuneration including fees and commission received
Statement of Advice
o Providing entity must provide a retail client with a SOA (personal advice)
o Provided to the client at the same time or as soon as practicable after, the advice is provided
Must be before the provider arranges for anything connected with the advice
o Clear and concise
o Identify all conflicts of interest that may affect the advice