Lecture 10 Flashcards
You an either donate your kidney or die
The Fallacy of False Dichotomy
The Fallacy of False Dichotomy has an…
unreasonable premise
- Jim likes table tennis
- therefore, Jim likes tennis
The Fallacy of Equivocation because it has an reasoanble inference
The Fallacy of Equivocation has an…
has an reasoanble inference
What is a slipperly slope?
Doing action A will certainly lead to consequence B, which will certainly lead to consequence C, which will certainly lead to terrible consequence D. So we should not do A.”
What is The Fallacy of Hasty Generalization?
- When an argument concludes something about a group or set on the basis of an inadequate sample size.
- “All the cafeteria food is terrible. I had a burger there once, and it gave me the runnies.
- broad conclusion from overly narrow evidence
- The psych course is bad, I went once and I found it boring
What is The Fallacy of Hasty Generalization?
- broad conclusion from overly narrow evidence
What is The Fallacy of Begging the Question (Circular Reasoning)
- Attempting to support a conclusion by using that same conclusion as a premise.
- Assuming what is supposed to be proven
“God exists. We know that God exists because the Bible says so, and we know that God wrote the Bible”
What is the The Fallacy of Composition
the argument states or assumes that what is true of the parts must be true of the whole.
“Every player on the Blue Jays is among the best in the league.
Therefore, it must follow that the Blue Jays are among the best teams in the league.”
What is the fallacy of division?
The argument states or assumes that what is true of the whole must be equally true of the parts
- “Ryerson students study many different subjects, including statistics
- and hotel management. John goes to Ryerson. Therefore, John must study
- many different subjects, including statistics and hotel management.”
The fallacy of divison has a …
poor inference
What is appeal to popularity?
- Arguing that a claim is definitely or probably true, or r/j/r, simply because it is popular
- *“Of course the war is illegal! After all, everybody thinks so.”
What is Appeal to Common Practice
- Arguing that something should (probably) be done a certain way, or simply because it is commonly done/ not done that way
- “Nobody has pop quizzes at university. So, there shouldn’t be any pop quizzes at university”*
What is appeal to tradition?
- When an argument states or assumes that a claim is true or probable or r/j/r simply because it’s part/ or not part of tradition.
It’s good to have a turkey to have a turkey on thanksgiving, we have been doing it for thousands of years.
What is Appeal to Ignorance?
- An argument which centrally relies on an inference like this:
> “No one has shown that ghosts are real, so they must not exist”
> *“God must exist, since science hasn’t shown otherwise”
Appeal to ignorance has a..
poor inference
What is (Ad Hominem (to the person) Fallacy
- Rejecting a claim by criticizing the person who makes it, rather than focusing on whether the claim itself is true or r/j/r
- “Smith says that the bus leaves at 10:00, but
- he’s a cowardly environmentalist, so he must be wrong.”
What is Circumstantial?
Focusing on a person’s circumstances or character.
- “Jose says that the political system in Cuba is perfect. But he has to say so: he’s a card-
carrying communist! So you shouldn’t believe what he says about politics.”
What is Tu Quoque
- pointing out that the some claim is inconsistent with something else the speaker/author says or does, instead of focusing on whether their claim is true or r/j/r
liberals spent over budget while in power
therefore, you shouldn’t vote liberals
conservatives also spent over budget
so just because they are a hypocrite doens’t mean they’re claim is wrong