Lecture 1 Parties and voting (needs a re-do) Flashcards
The political paradox
Citizens who already participate in politics are politically driven and highly likely to engage in emerging forms of political participation as a means of expanding their political toolkit
The political transformation
The decline in electoral participation is being countered by an increase in non-institutional participation
The first political transformation
People who grew up at a time when voting was considered a duty and are likely to vote in elections and leave politics to their representatives. They are unlikely to participate in Van Deth’s targeted and motivational modes.
The second political transformation
There are those for whom voting is not necessarily a given. Among these, the politically active are the mainstay of the transformation and are particularly likely to take part in newer modes of participation outside the sphere of the state.
Research on populism and populist attitudes:
stresses anti-elitism and suggests that populist citizens are dissatisfied with the functioning of democracy. Accordingly, it has been argued that they are less likely to vote in elections, but not to be disengaged in general; they prefer direct forms of democracy that empower ‘the people’.
stealth democracy
most citizens have no desire to participate actively in politics. Instead, they prefer to leave it to elected representatives with whom they only have to bother every few years.
This literature suggests a profile of people likely to participate in first-order (e.g. national) elections but who barely engage in any other mode of political participation.
citizens need the skills and the time to participate in politics
5 individual profiles
- Active insiders
- Expressive voters
- Expressive outsiders
- Inactive citizens
- Faithful Voters
active insiders and expressive voters
those who are interested in politics, consider themselves capable and are highly educated are more likely to belong to one of these very active classes. both satisfaction and dissatisfaction with current politics seem to fuel their involvement
Expressive outsiders
Show no clear relation to resources. However, they are negatively linked to the evaluation of political institutions, the demographic controls show that younger people are more likely to be expressive outsiders. Altogether, the archetypal expressive outsider seems to be a younger citizen who is unhappy with the current system but still has some interest in politics, which manifests itself in expressive extra-institutional activities
inactive citizens
Less politically interested citizens, those who evaluate political institutions negatively, and those who are less well-educated are more likely to belong to this group,. Across the board, this group seems to be disconnected from politics. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that the older individuals are, the less likely they are to belong to this profile. It seems that older citizens are socialized more to trust authority and to vote, and thus fit our final profile, discussed below.
faithful voters
those who show up on election day, but do no more. In particular, citizens who do not feel capable of playing an active role and those who still evaluate political institutions positively are most likely to belong to this profile. Education and time constraints play no role. By and large, the archetype here seems to be a citizen who is relatively secure and (perhaps as a result of this) does not see a political role for themselves other than habitually going to the voting booth.
5 party types
- elite-centred cadre parties
- Mass parties
- Catch-all party
- Cartel party
- Buisiness firm types of party
Elite-centred cadre parties
Loosely parties led by prominent individuals, organized in closed and local caucuses which have minimal organization outside parliament
Mass parties
defining elements of this type are the extra-parliamentary mass mobilization of politically excluded social groups on the basis of well-articulated organizational structures and ideologies
Catch all parties
Catch-all parties originate from mass parties that have professionalized their party organization and downgraded their ideological profile in order to appeal to a wider electorate than their original class or religious social base