Lecture 1: Image Critique Flashcards
When do you review images in clinical placement?
- After taking an exposure on a patient
- When reviewing images with your CC to see if they can go in your logbook
What are the reasons for repeating an image?
-Anatomy cut off
-Metallic foreign bodies/artifacts
-Joint spaces are closed/poor positioning (improper rotation)
-Severe underexposure-(Image is very mottled & image burn)
An overexposed image must be repeated.
False; unless it is severely mottled or burned, you do not have to repeat.
Most overexposures result in great looking images with no mottle (high SNR)..that is what leads to DOSE CREEP
Images without markers must be repeated.
False; not a reason to repeat (use electronic marker)
What is better for imaging the sacrum, AP or PA? Why?
AP; beam divergence
How can you fix an image with clipped anatomy?
- Include shadow of anatomy with collimation
- Minimize OID
- Maximize SID
To decrease patient motion, use a small focal spot.
False; use a large focal spot
To decrease patient motion, use the largest mA possible
To decrease patient motion, what must you do to SID and OID?
Decrease SID and OID
Read over the following questions to ask in a senario of severe underexposure:
- Was the back-up time reached?
- Were you centered over the anatomy of interest?
- Did you use AEC rather than a fixed technique? (AC Joint, clavicle)
- Is there an equipment issue (CR reader, x-ray generator)
- Was an appropriate kVp set
- Was the correct algorithm used to process the image
Read over the following questions to ask in a senario of severe overexposure:
- Were you centered over the anatomy of interest?
Off centered detent: Grid cut off - Is there an equipment issue (x-ray generator, AEC)
- Was the correct technique selected from the APR (arthroplasty)
- Was a fixed technique used as opposed to AEC
- Were you centered to the bucky
- Did the patient have a metal arthroplasty?
Read over the following questions to ask in a senario of poor positioning/inadequate joint space:
- Was the proper angle used if needed
- Was the body part properly rotated
- Is there any preventable distortion
What is the joint space/off centered/SID/ rule?
Approx. 1.5° for every 1” or 2.5 cm off-center at 40” or 100 cm SID
(will be asked)
How do we move the petrous ridges below the orbits?
Angle Down
Lift chin moves orbits above petrous ridges