Lecture 1 Flashcards
What are the facts regarding peak oil
Oil reserves last until 2057
Consume oil faster than we discover new ones
After peak oil there will be an ever dwindling gap between demand and supply
U.K. Energy research centre peak oil before 2030 seems likely if not 2020
What are the facts about climate change
2% of warming will decrease crop yield by 20%
Lead to extinction of 40 species
Millions face significant flooding risk
What are the facts about peak water?
UN- by 2050 1.8 billion face water scarcity
2 thirds face restricted supply
97% of earths water unfit for agriculture
Potential human catastrophes loom
What are the facts about food shortages
Average harvests are falling
Use of pesticides will be constrained heading to peak oil
Not enough land to grow meat
Land may be needed for non food agriculture
What are the stats associated to expanding population
9 billion expected by 2050
Less people can live on earth
Do we need an attractor to find another planet
What are the 3 impacts of technology studied in this module
Organisational offerings
Organisational operations
Customer and worker are expectations
What are the 4 macro trends
Technological determinism
Repeating cycles of techno economic revolution
Convergence- what is it?
The act degree or point of converging
What is the new industrial convergence
Based of negropontes rings in the 80’s it considers how manufacturing medicine and media will converge over the next few years from the technologies studied in this module
What is technological determinism
The view that technology through its existence changes the world
What does Kevin Kelly argue?
Technology builds on technology- each is a continuation of the last
Technology and life have a commonality
What is the technium
Name for the world of technology we live in. A greater global massively interconnected system of technology vibrating around us- self reinforcing system of creation
What does Perez 2002 say about RCOTER
Technological revolutions arrive with remarkable regularity and economies react in a predictable fashion
Those early pioneers who make initial investments often struggle but leave behind a great foundation
Give some examples of TER
Industrial revolution 1771
Steam and railways 1829
What are the phases of TER
Installation- fights off old products
Frenzy- financial capital drives build up. Turning point at a recession and changes are made to facilitate development
Deployment- full flourishing
What does ray kurzwell say about the singularity
A time when the impossible becomes possible
May occur when humans rise with technology
Do we need to embrace it before earth overshoot day
What does Frey 2011 say
Future is dark- all trying to get a torch to see
Build a lighthouse that acts as an attractor
What is maximum Freud?
A period of extreme chaos yet extreme opportunity
What does the Paris agreement say
Must limit climate change. Must cut emissions by 70% by 2050
What are companies Paris strategies
Is it an attractor?
How many tonnes of resources are we predicted to use by 2050
140 billion tonnes
What are the implications of trump pulling out of the Paris agreement
US contributes 15% to global emissions but is also a source of significant finance and technology in fighting climate change- attractor now forgone?
Is energy information administration
29% of us energy was used for the transportation of people and goods
What does Stephen hawking state
The development of full AI could spark the end of the human race. It would take off on its own and redesign at an ever increasing rate
What does EROI mean
Energy return on investment
Heading to a world of lower eroi values where energy is more costly to create