Lecture 1 Flashcards
What was Daltons evidence for Democritus theory 2
Atoms of the same elements are alike in mass and size
What was Daltons evidence for Democritus atomic theory 1
Elements are composed of minute, invisible particles called atoms
What was Daltons evidence for Democritus theory 3
Atoms of different elements have different masses and sizes
What was Daltons evidence for Democritus theory 4
Chemical compounds are formed by the Union of two or more atoms of different elements
What was Daltons evidence for Democritus 5
Atoms combine to form compounds in simple numerical ratios, such as 1:1, 2:1 etc
What was Daltons evidence for Democritus theory 6
Atoms of two elements may combine in different ratios to form more than one compound
What did Thompson use in his experiment?
A Cathode Ray tube
What happened in Thompsons experiment?
A beam of electrons was deflected by a magnetic field
What did Thompsons experiment prove?
The existence of electrons and protons
What was Rutherfords experiment?
The Gold Foil experiment
What did Rutherfords experiment show?
All the mass of an atom is in the centre (nucleus)
- contains positively charged protons and neutral neutrons
- negative electrons circulate the nucleus
What did Bohr find out?
Electrons had to circulate the nucleus at certain distances (quantisation)
What did Bohr find out about the energy levels of the electron?
Lowest arrangement of electrons (lowest state) = closest to nucleus (ground state)
Higher States = excited States
What did Schrodinger find out?
The electrons exist in orbitals of defined energies
What does the Schrodinger equation show?
The types of orbitals available to the atom are defined by 4 Quantum numbers
What are the 4 Quantum numbers?
- Principle Quantum number (n)
- Azimuthal Quantum number (l)
- Magnetic Quantum number (ml)
- Spin Quantum number (ms)
What is the principle quantum number (n)?
Says what the energy of the orbital is (larger value of n shows larger energy version of the orbital) (further from nucleus)
What is the Azimuthal quantum number (l)?
Describes the shape of the orbital (s, p, d, f)
What is the magnetic quantum number (ml)?
Says how many of each type of orbital there is (eg s=groups of 1) (p=groups of 3) (d=groups of 5)
What is the spin quantum number (ms)?
Says the electrons in the orbital can only have one of two orientations (spin up or down)