Lecture 1 Flashcards
Anything that occupies space and has mass.
The ability to do work.
All matter is composed of fundamental building blocks which are arranged in various complex ways
A primary distinguishing characteristic of matter.
the quantity of matter contained in any physical object
Forms of energy
Potential energy
Ability to do work by virtue of position
ex: roller coaster or stretch spring
Kinetic energy
Energy of motion, work because of motion
ex: moving car or moving river
Chemical energy
Energy released by chemical reaction
ex: energy from the food we eat
Electrical energy
Electrons moving through an electrical potential difference
ex: household electricity – 110 volts
Thermal energy
Energy of motion at the atomic and molecular level. The kinetic energy of molecules vibrating.
ex: solar energy to heat water
Nuclear energy
Energy contained in the nucleus of an atom
ex: nuclear electric power plants
Electromagnetic energy
Radiation is the transfer of energy (usually
through space); often referred to Electromagnetic radiation when it is traveling through space
Exposed or Irradiated
Matter that intercepts radiation and absorbs part or all of it is exposed or irradiated
Ionizing radiation
is radiation with enough energy so that during an interaction with an atom, it can remove tightly bound electrons from their orbits, causing the atom to become charged or ionized (examples: gamma rays, neutrons)
Non-ionizing radiation
is radiation without enough energy to separate molecules or remove electrons from atoms. Examples are visible light, radio, television waves, ultra violet (UV), and microwaves with a large spectrum of energies
Sound energy
is a kinetic (mechanical) energy caused by the physical vibration of air particles or molecules that moves through substances
is the spontaneous transformation of an unstable atom and often results in the emission of radiation. This process is referred to as a transformation, a decay or
a disintegrations of an atom