lecture 1 Flashcards
When a firm takes a controlling interest, the investment is known as…
foreign direct investment (fdi).
If 2 or more companies share ownership of the investment it is referred to as a
Joint venture.
A non-controlling interest is called …
portfolio investment.
of capital are:
dividends or interest
Companies make …….. when investing
Direct Investment
investor takes a controlling interest in a foreign company
(a subsidiary, a joint venture)
Inward investment – FDI
a country receives a company’s direct investment from abroad
Outward investment
a country sends a company’s direct investment abroad
Portfolio Investment is
a non-controlling financial interest in another entity (investment funds, pension funds, hedge funds)
Companies can also engage in international business by …
exporting or importing.
Exports (and imports) can be either …
Goods (merchandises) or Services.