Lecture 1 Flashcards
What is Racism ?
Bias that systematically disadvantages persons or groups tp belong to a specific racial or ethinic group
What is Human culture ?
A unique meaning and information system, shared by a group and transmitted across generations, that allows the group to meed basic needs of survival, pursue happiness and well-being, and derive meaning from life
What is Natavist ?
Believe national identity is based on birth and shared ancestery
What is Group privilege ?
An unearned favored state conferred simply because of one’s race, gender, social class, or sexual orientation
What is the Self-perspective approach ?
Assert that the priveleged group actually experiences more discrimination than the disadvatged group
What is Critical Hope ?
Acknowledging how difficult it can be to accept that privilege and inequality comes at others’ expense
What are stereotypes ?
Beliefs and opinions about the characteristics, attributes, and behaviours of members of various groups
What is prejudice ?
Attitudes directed toward people because they belong to a specific group
What are implicit prejudices ?
Reactions toward groups or individuals that occur automatically outside conscious awareness
What are explicit prejudices ?
Attitudes that people are aware of and can easily control
What is discrimination ?
Treating people differently from others based on membership in a social group
What is interpersonal discrimination ?
One person treated another unfairly becasue of the person’s group membership
What is organizational discrimination ?
The practices,rules, and policies of formal organizations have discriminatory outcomes
What is institutional discrimination ?
When norms, policies, and practices associated with a social institution ( family, school ,etc) result in different outcomes for members of different groups
What is cultural discrimination ?
Within a culture, one group may retain the power to define the culture’s value system
What is Sexism ?
A prejudice toward individuals based solely on their sex or gender
What is Heterosexism ?
An ideological system that denies, denigrates, and stigmatizes any non heterosexual form of behaviour, identity, relationship, or community
What is Ageism ?
Negative reactions to older people
What is Ableism ?
Prejudice agaisnt people with disabilities
What is Classism ?
Prejudice due to a person’s social class
What is Scientific Racism ?
The interpretation of research results show ethnic minority group in a negative light
What is Authoritarian personality ?
Thought to be strongly prone to believe and do whatever authority figures say
What is the Sociocultural Theory ?
Culture provides steoreotypes and that the patterns of these steoreotypes are consistently linked to prejudice across time and region of country
What is the Social role Theory ?
Proposes that stereotypes emerge from observations about individuals in various social roles
What is the Intergroup Relations Theory ?
Prejudice derives from perceptions of competition with other groups
What is the relatoce deprevation theory ?
Prejudice rooting from the feeling of resentment when group doesn’t get what another group has
What is the Cognitive Theory ?
View stereotyping as a normal process for reducing a complex stimulus world to a manageable level
What is the Evolutionary Theory ?
Explaining universal processes underlying prejudice and discrimination