lecture 1 Flashcards
public stigma
Reactions from
general population to a
certain group
self stigma
Tendency to
internalize stigma and
see oneself in more
negative terms as a result
of experiencing a
psychological problem
are Women or men 1.5 times more likely to meet criteria for a mood or anxiety disorder
women are 1.5 times more likely then men
are women or men 2.6 times more likely to meet criteria for substance dependence
The mental health conditions with the highest amount of
burden were found to be
* Bipolar disorder
* Alcohol use disorders
* Social phobia
* Schizophrenia
Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs)
-Allows comparison of the burden of disease across many
different disease conditions
* DALYs account for lost years of healthy life regardless of
whether the years were lost due to premature death or
disability (weighted for severity of disability).
the study of mental
Abnormality is usually determined by the presence of
several characteristics at one time such as
Statistical infrequency
* Violation of norms
* Personal suffering
* Impairments
* Unexpectedness
Norm Violation
-Behaviour, thoughts, or feelings that violate social
* Context specific
* Cultural differences
Norm violation and statistical rarity.
In the past, based on our criteria of violation of social
norms and statistical rarity, this would have been a
sign of a mental illness
* In fact, homosexuality was once considered a mental
Surprising or out-of-proportion response to
environmental stressors
Psychological disorders
behavioural, psychological,
or emotional dysfunctions that are unexpected in
their cultural context and is associated with present
distress and impairments in functioning
Reliability and Validity
❖Reliability: the degree to
which a measurement is
❖Validity: whether
something measures what
it is supposed to measure
History of the DSM:
- DSM 1 published in 1952:
❖128 diagnoses
❖Descriptions - DSM 2 published in 1968:
❖193 diagnoses
- Significant changes:
❖Removal of multi-axial
❖Re-organization of
❖Addition of new
disorders: - Binge-eating disorder
- Premenstrual dysphoric
disorder - Hoarding disorder
- Internet gaming
Myth of Mental Illness: Thomas
Fundamental difference
between use of
diagnosis for physical
diseases and mental
❖Disease of the brain not
DSM-5: Some Issues
- Categorical or dimensional?
- Blurry diagnostic boundaries and high co-morbidity
- Reliability over validity
- Over pathologizing?