Lecture 05-06 Flashcards
long chain of amino acids
Core acts as the ion channel
Intracellular region can trigger 2nd messenger systems
either categorized as ligand-gated ion channels or G-protein receptors
Transport Carriers
either passive or active pumps
also used for reuptake of NTs from the synapse into presynpatic
Second Messenger systems
1st messenger activates a second messenger, which then activates the ion channel
What is the process of activating an ion channel? Using all of the attributes
NT causes change to shape of 1st receptor, 1st receptor then binds to G-protein (and changes shape), G-protein binds with messergner- synthesizing enzyme, enzyme creates a second messenger molecule, which can activate an ion channel
What is gene regulation, how is it caused?
Caused by how the 2nd messenger results in a cascade of processes, which eventually reaches the cell nucleus. Helps plan for future neural commuication.
This is important because cells can respond to extracellular situtaions, i.e hormones and change how/ what genes are expressed to fit varying enviornments.
What is the role of enzymes?
- convert molecules into different molecules
- respond to specfic molelecules
can create or destory NT and other molecules needed for cellular communication - can be either revisibly or irreversibly “suicide” inhibited
*represent another important target for drug manipulation