lectrue 5 Flashcards
obj recnition
difficulty percieving obj features/drawing but can see simple features and meaning
can assog meaning to names
associative agnosia
can percieve simple features but cant assign meaning
describe apple but cant say this is an apple
recog obj
top down aka comcept/goal driven
relying on previous knowledge to id a stimuli
bottom up aka
recognisixing obj base on pattern
data driven/stimulus driven
recognition is linked to recognizing individual oarts
features are building blocks
proved through singe cell recording
maks role are to
stop a stimulus from being pricessed completly
words that are mroe common are mroe recognized
frequency effect
in rep primining uncommon words rpeform
first exposeure prin=mes for subsequent exposure
repititon priming
in rep priming, high requency words preform
not that much effect bc frequency priming takes over
word syperiority effecr
easier to recognize letters in words versus bythemselves
well formingness
easier it represents the languange, the mroe likely to recognize the word
feature net
fearure detecror–letterdect=== triggers higher level responce— word dector