Lect 6 Touch and Proprioception Flashcards
Posterior Column/medial lemniscus system
concerned with light touch and pressure (2 point discrimination, vibration)
periphery receptors
Touch and pressure receptors
Meissner’s corpuscle
Pascinian Corpuscle
Proprioception receptors
Muscle spindles
Posterior column medial lemniscus system light touch/pressure pathway
1st order: A-beta fibers enter C1-T6
- rise ipsilaterally through fasciculus cuneatus to nucleus cuneatus (lateral)
2nd order: Nucleus cuneatus body, cross contralaterally and rise to the VPL
3rd order: arise in VPL and project to the primary somatosensory cortex (postcentral gyrus, S-1)
Posterior column medial lemniscus system vibration/proprioception
1st order: A-beta fibers enter T7-below
- rise ipsilaterally through fasciculus gracilis to nucleus gracilis (lateral)
2nd order: Nucleus cuneatus body, cross contralaterally and rise to the VPL
3rd order: arise in VPL and project to the primary somatosensory cortex (postcentral gyrus, S-1) —(double check)
A-beta fibers
excite inhibitory interneurons in the substantia gelatinosa which inhibit nociceptive afferent (C and Adelta fibers) input. This prevents C and A delta fibers from exciting the spinothalamic tract, which closes pain gate
shown to terminate on lamina V neurons
fasciculus gracilis
more medial than cuneatus, posterior column medial lemniscus pathway of proprioception
fasciculus cuneatus
lateral, deals with light touch and pressure
primary afferents pass thru it
internal arcuate fibers
second order sensory neurons that compose the gracile and cuneate nuclei of the medulla
3rd order neurons of posterior-column medial lemniscus system projecting from VPL of thalamus
synapse through the posterior limb of the internal capsule to reach primary somatosensory cortex
postcentral gyrus & 3rd order neurons
3rd order neurons project from thalamus to postcentral gyrus
cortical areas of post central gyrus are located in the parietal lobe
fibers from lower extremities course medially
fibers from the upper extremities course laterally
Organization of primary somatosensory cortex (S-1)
highly organized
communication between cortical areas within S-I and outside S-I
S-I sends projections to M-I (motor cortex)
S-I also sends projections to S-II. As the initial sensory input becomes synaptically removed from S-I, the response characteristics of the cortical neurons are more and more abstract
-primary somatosensory cortex will tell us that is is a coin but need to put more information together. Higher processing at S-II
Overview of Column/medial lemniscus System
Primary afferent fibers (soma in DRG) - enter dorsal horn (no synapse here if it is going directly to the cortex) and ascend in the spional cord as the fasiculus gracilis/cuneatus
- synapse in nucleas gracilis/cuneatus in the caudal medulla
- Axons of secondary neurons course from dorsal to ventral as the internal arcuate fibers and then cross midline to form the contralateral medial lemniscus
- then ascend as in the contralateral medial lemniscus to the thalamus (VPL)
- 3rd order project from thalamus to primary somatosensory cortex (postcentral gyrus, S-I)