Lect 12 Flashcards
What is an architecture of a robot?
Overall style of design and organization is called as architecture. It provides a principled way of organizing a control system. If we have architectures we can use modularity and abstraction
Different levels to describe a robot?
High level architecture
Low level Architecture
What are the advantages of the operational architectures?
Abstraction, modularity : if the solution is modular, I can use it in another robot
Can reveal some fundamental vulnerabilities
If you are forced to use modularity, there may be some vulnerabilities.
Vulnerability: By looking at your robot from a high level you can see that maybe the solution is okey for some specific environment by looking at your system as modules of architectures.
This can be understood much easier by looking at the architectures. This is why we need architectures
Why we need 3 different levels of architectures?
Architecture is the overall style of design and organization. It provides a principled way of organizing the control system. If we have architectures we have modularity and we can use abstraction
Types of architectures?
-Operational Architectures: Describe WHAT system does in a high level. Not describe how
Style of a house
-System architectures: How system works interms of MAJOR SUBSYSTEMS
How many rooms, what each room does
-Technical Architecture: How system works interms of implementation details.
The plans and the pieces of the house
Operational+system architecture : High Level
System+technical : Low level
What are the important things about architectures?
- Abstraction: focus for thinking general organization of intelligence
- Modularity: We can use a solution in another robot
- Anticipation of change: how to adapt
- Generality: Not reinvent the wheel. Use advanced algorithms made by someone else. You can take and use it on your robot
What is the operational architecture?
Describes what dystem does in a high level, does not tell how.
-Spinal Cord And Lower Brain:
Skills and responses.
(Dizimize vurulduğunda aniden geri çekmemiz)
-Upper Brain(brain):
Reasoning over symbols(information) about our goals.. Cognition takes place.
-Middle brain (amigdala)
Converting sensor data into symbols(information)
Immediately process visual information. High level processing in a non consciousness way.
2 Layers in Operational Architecture:
(better robots not only have reactive or deliberative)
What is a canonical architecture?
(operational architecture) 3 layers in one architecture. INTERACTION LAYER (GUI, persona and teaming, gestures and attitudes, beliefs, desires) | DELIBERATIVE LAYER | REACTIVE LAYER
From reactive(low) to deliberative(high) layer:
-Two types of perception:
DIRECT(reactive) and RECOGNITION(deliberative)
-Different time horizons
Reactive: we consider only present and maybe a little bit past
Deliberative: Past, look at what happened before and decide on the future.
-Need a world model to process future past and present.
Creating and updating a world model everytime is very difficult. Camdan bir duvar varsa robot bunu bilmeli ve ona göre çarpmamalı.
Different control loops for wood glass …
What are the basic elements(functionalities) of the AI?
Sense -> Plan -> Act (goes back to sense)
Look at the checkerboard:
Sense -> plan(plan the next move) -> act (select the next move and move a piece)
What are the primitives of robot intelligence?
For closed world, primitives of intelligence is good but for open world it is really bad.
Keep raising the leg until you get rid of the obstacle, world model gereksiz
What is behavioral robotics?
It only has reactive layer. It is based on behaviours.
Behaviours are sense->act couples.
The world is the model. We don’t have to create a world model. I have to move in order to cope with the world.
Bir yere çıkmak için yavaş yavaş çıkmak ve tepeye ulaşmak daha koley, önceden bir world modele sahipsem ve çıkılacak yer 25 cm olarak görünüyorsa ama orada toz varmış ve 23 e çıktım. Recovery plan yoktu ve düştüm. Bunun yerine yavaş yavaş çıkabilirim. Buna behavioral robotics deniyor.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of behaviour based robotics?
- Direction perception is usually simple.
- ”"”Graceful degredation”””: High modularity, add new behaviours without reprogramming the old working behaviours
- Get stuck at local minima,without realizing there is a global minima imagine it tries to go to the light but always hitting the glass, because it does not know that the window next to it is open
- Hidden costs: behaviours plus coordination function
What is graceful degredation? ****
High modularity, add new behaviours without reprogramming the old working behaviours.
What is embodiment and avoidance behaviour?
Embodiment: Intelligence is in the body.
Avoidance behaviour: If whiskers touch something that means there is an obstacle.
What is a hierarchical paradigm?
Sense-plan-act (turns to sense again)
3 primitives of hierarchical paradigm?
Sense Sensor data -> sensed information Plan Information(sensed) -> Directives Act Directives -> Actuator commands