Lec1 Flashcards
Why are marine organisms important?
- produce around half of the oxygen we breathe
- help regulate the earth’s climate.
- been estimated that the ocean’s living systems are worth more than $20 trillion a year.
study of marine organisms, their behaviors and interactions with the environment.
Marine biology
the scientific study of the oceans such as marine biology and has many branches.
- It ends at the shelf break, where the slope suddenly gets steeper
- It is the biologically richest part of the ocean with the most life and the best fishing.
- It is the shallowest part.
Continental Shelf
start on the continental shelf cut across the continental slope to its base at a depth of 3,000-5,000 m.
Submarine canyons
- It is the closest thing to the exact edge of the continent.
- It begins at the shelf break and descends downward to the deep-sea floor.
Continental slope
- is the submerged part of the Continent and is almost flat.
- biologically richest part of the ocean with the most life and the best fishing.
continental shelf
are home to a tremendous variety of marine life
abyssal plain and seamounts
Arabian Gulf is connected with the adjacent Indian Ocean by a narrow passage at the …….
Strait of Hormuz.
high salinities in the Arabian Gulf 42-60 psu is due to?
❖ Lack of significant river runoff,
❖ High temperaturesin summer
❖ Wind stress and associated with high rate of evaporation
❖ Limited interchange with the Indian Ocean
❖ Tigris-Euphrates River flow through the Shatt Al-Arab
Gulf of Salwa is located between ………….. and ………..
Saudi Arabia and the Qatar
- Represent the submerged edges of the continents.
- Are the boundaries between continental crust and oceanic crust.
continental margins
It is the shallowest part of the continental margin
Continental shelf
- deepest parts of the world ocean.
- where the plate descends into the mantle the sea floor slopes steeply downward.
is formed by sediments building up on the sea floor at the base of the continentalslope
Continental Rise