LEC 9: Maternal Mental Health Flashcards
Signs and Symptoms of Maternal Mental Health Problems
- Depressed mood most of the day
- Anhedonia
- Weight changes
- INsomnia or hypersomnia
- Psychomotor: restless, agitated, slowed
- Dominished energy level
- Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt
- Decreased concentration
- Increased indicisiveness
- Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide
Severly diminished interest or pleasure in activities.
The Pinks
- 11%, 44% high risk
- Elation hours/ days after birth
- Normal to be happy and excited
- But extreemes in mood in either direction need to be monitored
- Early discharge
- Sleep
- Bipolar
- Expectations of pregnancy
Postpartum Blues
- “Normal” transient, emotional response
- Up to 85% of women spontaneously recover by 2 weeks
- Depressed 2 to 3 days
- PPD 4 to 8 weeks
- Social support
- 60% of woman experience their first major depression in PP
- Idealization of birth and motherhood
- Hormones, thyroid, cholesterol, folate, anemia, stress
- Confirms need for increased wareness, early identification, and timely intervention

- 4% to 15% of women
- Up to 24% in pregnancy
- Inability to relax, persistent arousal
- Fearfulness, phobic
- Preoccupied/ Over-concern with baby
- High parenting expectations
- Panic attacks
- Tension, sweats, palpitation
- Temporal relationship with depression
Obsessive Compulsive Disease (OCD)
- Cleaning
- Checking
- Baby, house
- Counting
- Ordering
- Obsession with germs, cleanliness
- Intrusive, repetitive thoughts
- Harm coming to baby
- Guilt, worry, shame
- Hypervigilent
- Behaviours to avoid harm or minimize triggers
- Assure
- Though does not equal action
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Around 3% of births
- Anxiety Disorder
- Post terrifying event where grave harm occured or was threatened
- Birth
- Powerless
- Uncared for
- No trust
- Poor communiation
- Risk
- Birth Complications with Mother or Baby
- Hemorrhage
- Emergency C-section
- Preterm birth
- NICU baby
- Previous PTSD
- Previous sexual abuse
Postpartum Psychosis
- 0.1 to 0.2% of women
- Insomnia, agitation, hallucinations, bizzarre perceptions
- Self-harm, infanticide, homicide
- Bipolarity, mood swings
- Usually in 1st few weeks and later up
- Associated with sleep disturbances
Risk Factors
- Sociodemogeaphic
- Gender
- Ager
- Income
- Single
- New immigrant
- Ethnicity
- History of Depression
- Psychiatric problems
- Own and family
- Mood reactions to hormonal cahnges
- Social
- Unplanned
- Lack of social support
- Relationship issues
- Partner and substance abuse
- Medical
- Fertility problems
- Obstetrical difficulties
- Previous losses
- Thyroid
- Anemia
- Pain
- Lack of sleep
- Mother issies
- 20% of all women are vulnerable
Stress- Anxiety
- Unavoidable
- Short term = Adaptive
- :ong term = Harmful
- “Normal-ize” anxiety in pregnancy
- “Good” mothers ‘worry’ about doing right thing
- But worry and effects of it are distressing in non-pregnant
- Real or perceived stress
- The stress hormone
- Normalize worry in childbearing women
- Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal HPA axis-placental neuroendocrine axis
- Maternal stress can affecct fetal development
- Sustained pattern of stress reaction throughout life
- Neuronal death and abnormal development of fetal brain structures
Effects of Mental Health Problems on the Mother
- Relationship
- Partners 10% of men overall
- 75% if wife secerly depressed
- Gestational hypertension
- Abruption placenta
- Increased for epidural, operative, and preterm deliveries
- Less prenatal care, prenatal vitamins
- Increas in alcohol and smoking
Effects of Mental Health Problems on the Baby
- Preterm
- Decreased apgar
- Decreased birth weight and weight gain
- Less and shoeter duration of breastfeeding
- Behaviour
- More withdrawn, irritable, less consolable, depressed
- Patterns of stress reaction
- 3.3 times the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrom
- Effects of lifestyle
Effects of Mental Health Problems on the Child
- Behaviour
- Anxiety in pregnancy = inceased 3 times ADHD in boys and depression in girls
- Emergency room visits, somatic complaints
- Social and school difficulties
- Autism
- Criminality
- Mothers less attentive to safety and stimulation
- Injuries and hospitalizations
What can we do when women are experiencing postpartum depression?
- Pregnancy and postpartum are times of increased contact with health services
- Chance for the early identification of maternal mental illnesses
Maternal Mental health Strategy
- 2 Initiatives to improve maternal mental health
- Increase awareness in SK
- Building capacity in SK
Promote Positive Mental Health
- Exercise
- Walking, swimming
- Sleep 6 hours in 24 hours
- Nutrition
- Simplify life
- Yoga or other relaxation
- Support quitting self-medication
- Smoking, drinking, drugs
Recommendations for Maternal Health
- Education and Increase awareness
- Universal screening
- Normalize- we care about all aspects of your health- aphysical and mental
- Prioritize pregnant and postpartum women in MHS
- Accessible in each region
- Increase treatment options
- Sustainability and accountability
Medications during Pregnancy
- First though is to come off
- Up to 50-75% will relapse
- 35% of pregnant women who are taking medications, are taking psychotropic medications
- Up to 50% pregnancies are unplanned
- 1st month most critical
- Teratogenesis
- Most women don’t knowo pregnant
- If start medication during pregnancy
- Not likely to beging until after 1st few weeks
- Neonatal adaptation syndrome
- Transitory
- Keep on one that they are stablized
- Sertraline: Low transfer to fetus and through breastmilk
- Wellbutrin, Zyban: Helps with depression and quitting smoking
- Atypical Antipsychotics
- Anxiety
- Bipolar
- Treatment can be problematic
- Valporic Acid/ Epival and other anticonvulsants can increase risk for NTD
- Lamotragine better tolerated
- Increase in preconceptual and pregnancy Folic Acid
Medication and Dosing
- Always aim for the lowest, most effective dose
- Undertreatment
- Tapering
- Lithium
- Depressive symptoms tend to increase as delivery appraoches- Hemodilution
- If woman has decreased or discontinued medication closely monitor symptoms
- Medications may be needed ot help stabilize mood so that other approaches can work
Other Forms of Therpay for Maternal Mental Health
- Electroconvulsice therapy (ECT)
- Bright light therapy
- Alternate treatment
- Food and supplements
- Folic acid
- Omega 3 fatty acids
- Vitamin D
- St. John’s worth contraindicated in pregnancy
- Food and supplements
- Acupuncture, massage, meditation
- Group support, listening visitis, psychoeducational/interpersonal therapy
Symptoms of Depression
- Less interest in things you usually like
- Crying for no reason
- Irritable, angry, or more sensitive
- More tired or feeling hyper
- Not sleeping or sleeping to much
- Problems concentrating
- Not able to cope
- Anxious or panicked
- Thoughts of harming yourself, your baby, or others