LEC 6: Induction and Augmentation of Labour Flashcards
The initiation of contractions in the pregnant woman not in labour
Enhancement of contractions in the pregnant woman already in labour
Cervical Ripening
Use of pharmacological other means to soften, efface and/or dilate the cervix to increase likelihood of vaginal delivery when induction is indicated
Indications of Labour
- Postterm pregnancy
- Hypertensice disorders (pre-eclampsia)
- Diabetes mellitus
- Significant maternal disease not responding to treatment
- Significant, but stable antepartum bleeding
- Chorioamnionitis
- Post-dates pregnancy of 41 or more weeks gestation (confirmed dates)
- Rh Isoimmunization at/or near term
- PROM at or nreat term (especially if GBS positive)
- Intrauterine fetal death
- Logistical concerns
- Intrauterine death in previous pregnancy
Indications to Induce Labour: Postmaturity
- SOGC recommends that women should be offered induction between 41 and 42 weeks because there is a decrease in prenatal mortality without an inccreased risk of C-section. If women wait beyond that- mindful of fetal well being- doing a non-stress test, amniotic fluid testing.
- Risk for inducing someone who has had 5 babies
- The labour can end u being fast
- Risky for mom and baby
- Cautions if thecervix has not dropped
- Known malpresentation- brow or face- more difficult delivery about induction as well- uterus overly distended has trouble with contractions, less effecctive
- Existing care- extremely cautious because at risk of uterine rupture
What does postmaturity mean?
- Post date or post term
- Certainty about dates
What are the risk of psot-term?
- Maternal
- Fetal
- Fluid can drop increased the risk of cord prolapse
Cautions for Induction
- Grand multiparity
- G5
- Vertex not fixed in the pelvis
- Unfavourable or unripe cervix
- Brow or face presentation
- Over distention of uterus (polyhydramnios or multiples)
- Lower segment uterine scar (extreme caution)
- Pre-existing hypertonus
- Prior hisotry of difficult labour and/or traumatic delivery
- Availability of C-section delivery
- Any contradiction ot labour or vaginal delivery
Contraindications to Induction
- Placental
- Complete placenta previa
- Cord
- Presentation or proplapse
- Fetal malpresentation (transverse lie, breech)
- History
- Previous uterine surgery or classical c/s
- Pelvic abnormalities/ absolute CPD (cefal pelvic dispeprotion)
- Gyne/ Obs/ Medical condition
- Not going to induce for convenience- hsa to be a reason
Bishop Score
- Score cervial ripening (pre-induction)
- A cervix that is soft and effaces is the most important contributor to the success of induction
- Unvavourable is a socre of <6
Methods to Induction
- Nipple Stimulation
- Initiate the hormones
- Sexual intercourse
- Initiate the hormones
- Acupuncture
- Enema, castor oil
- Herbal supplements
- Also….stripping/sweeping, amniotomy, mechanical, pharmacological
Stripping/ Sweeping Membranes
- Mechanical separation of membranes from cervix or uterus
- Does not require monitoring or other assessments
- Do not use for induction when there are high priority indications
- Effectivness
- Does not always work
- Going between the embryotic mebrane and the cervix; sometimes its done with a plan and sometimes its not done with a plan
- If it works- go into labour in 48 hours
- Will end up getting crampy- if they do it- usually between 31 and 38 weeks
- Gloved finger- rotates 360 degress all the way around
What are the risk of stripping/ Sweeping membranes?
- Cause bleeding
- Inadvertent rupture of membranes
- Puts persone at risk for infection
Amniotomy: AROM
- Augment or induce labour
- Committed to delivery because created a portal for risk of infection
- Apply internal fetal or contraction monitors
- Obtain fetal scalp blood sample for pH monitoring
- Will rupture the membranes when they give oxytocin
- If ruptured- need to monitor the fetus both during and after the procedure
- Cord prolapse is a risk
- Document the time the membrane ruptured- look at colour and composition of membrane
Mechanical Dilation
- Cervical ripening ballon (CRB)
- Laminaria (Seaweed)
- Sterilized seaweed that is highly absorbent
- Foley
Pharmacological Cervical Ripening
Prostaglandin Induction
- Prostin (Prostaglandin E2 1-2 mg. gel) into posterior fornix of vagina
- Produced naturally in the body- but would be artificial
- Cervidil (Prostaglandin E2 10 mg. vaginal insert) into posterior fornix - continuous slow release
- Like a tampon that gets inserted BUT is slow release
- Benefit: If you end up hyper stimulating you can remove- if you use gel cannot remove
- Promote effacement and softening of the cervixe = ripening of the cervix
- Might speed up the labour BUT may hyper stimulate the delivery
- Many people chose this option because its more of a natural way to starting labour
- Prostin (Prostaglandin E2 1-2 mg. gel) into posterior fornix of vagina
- Misoprostol/Cytotec (Prostaglandin E1 synthetic-tablet) 50mcg orally or 25mcg vaginally - approved for induction in Canada in 2013
- Has other uses such as helping terminate a pregnancy, help with hemorrhage
Advantafes of Prostaglandin
- Less invasive, more physiologically like labour
- Simple administration, increase acceptance
- Cervidil
- May be able to go home post isertion
- Generally used for induction, not augmentation
- Nursing care per unit policy (includes fetral assessment; VS; teaching)
Pharmacological: Uterotonic
Oxytocin Infusion
- Syntocinon/ Pitocin
- Used fro both induction and augmentation
- Half-life is aroun 7 to 12 minutes
- Given IV via pump as secondary line
- Want it clost to patient- do not want a bunch of oxytocin in the line incacse hyper-stimlation occurs- want to attach it as close as possible to the patient
- Protocol requires gradual increase >30 minute incremetns
- Patient needs to signs a consent from if used fro induction; don’t need a consent if used fro augmentation
Nursing Care with Oxxytocin Induction
- Continuous ovservation by an RN as per facility protocol
- Assess contractions and FHR q15 minutes
- Maternal vital signs q15-30 minutes
Fetal Surveillance
- When a normal tracing is identified, it may be appropriate to interrupt the EFM tracing for up to 30 minutes to facilitate ambulation, bathing, position changes providing the maternal – fetal condition is stable and infusion rate has not been increased
During Labour
- Hyperstimulation
- Excessive uterine activity often with atypical or abnormal FHR tracing
- Tachysystole
- >5 contractions in 10 minutes
- Hypertonus
- Abnormally high resting tone (uterus that wont relax)
- Tetanic
- Contraction lasting more than 120 seconds
- Any of these things will decrease perfusion to the fetus
- Important to assess resting tone and FHR
Hyperstimulation Can Result in:
- Abruption of placenta
- Hypoxia to fetus
- Preciptious delivery
- PP uterine atony
What do you do if hyperstimulation occurs?
- Reduce contraction/ reduce uterine stimulation
- Stop oxytocin
- Take out prosteglandin
- Wip our the prostin gel
- Open IV
- O2 per mask
- Continue to monitor
- Administer ordered tocolytic
- Provide support and reassurance
- Can use a tocalytic if the fetus is being compromised (Nitrogen)
After Delivery
- Risk of postpartum hemorrhage/ PP atony is increased with induction (monitor)
- More at risk because if the uterus was not doing it them- ot is not doing it now
- Watch for signs of PPH
- Consider continued infusion of oxytocin titrated to findus/ flow
- Interventions include rupture of membranes (amniotomy) and pharmacological (oxytocin only)
- Nursing measures as per induction
- Note:
- These interventions increase the likelihood of vaginal delivery when done for active labour dystocia
- These interventions increase the likehood of Cesarean section when done for slow progress in latent labour
Labour Dystocia
Non-progression in active labour
What are the 6 care practices that support normal birth?
- Labor begins on its own
- Freedom of movement thoughout labour
- Continuous labour supprots
- No routine interventions
- Spontaneous pushing in upright or gravity-neutral positions
- No seperation of mother and baby, with unlimited opportunities for breastfeeding