Lec 8 - Contraception & Infertility Flashcards
What are methods contraceptions use to prevent pregnancy?
- Blocking transport of sperm to avoid fertilisation of oocyte.
- By disrupting the HPG axis to interfere with ovulation.
- By inhibiting implantation of the conceptus into endometrium.
What are contraceptive methods with no user failure?
- These you do not have to remember to use them.
1. contraceptive injection
2. implant
3. intrauterine systen (IUS)
4. Intrauterine device (IUD)
5. Female and male sterilisation.
What are contraceptive methods with user failure?
- These you have to remember to use.
1. contraceptive patch
2. Contraceptive vaginal ring
3. Combined pill
4. Progesterone-only pill
5. Male condom
6. female condom
7. Diaphragm/ cap with spermacide
8. Natural family planning
What is an implant and how long do they last?
-Implant is a small flexible rod that is put under the skin of the upper arm and releases progestogen.
What is an IUS and how long do they last?
- IUS is a small T-shaped progestogen-releasing plastic device that is put into the uterus.
- Lasts around 3-5 years.
What is an IUD and how long do they last?
- IUD is a small plastic and copper device which is put into the uterus.
- Can stay in for 5-10 years.
What are some examples of natural contraceptive methods?
- Abstinence
- Withdrawal method
- Fertility awareness methods
- Lactational amenorrhoea method.
What is the process of the lactational amenorrhoea method?
- Breastfeeding delays the return of ovulation after childbirth.
- –> The suckling stimulus distrupts the release of GnRH.
- ——-> This affects the feedback cycle of HPG axis.
What does the lactational amenorrhoea method depend on?
- relies on exclusive breastfeeding.
- It is only effective up to 6 months after giving birth.
- The female must be amenorrheic.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the lactational amenorrhoea method?
- No hormones/ contraindications
- unreliable
- No STI prevention
What does the fertility awareness method involve?
it involves the use of fertility indicators to identify fertile and infertile points of the menstrual cycle such as:
- cervical secretions
- Basal body temperatures
- Length of menstrual cycle.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of fertility awareness methods?
- There are no hormones/ contraindications
- Unreliable
- No protection from STIs.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of abstinence?
- Only 100% reliable method of contraception
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the withdrawal method?
- No devices or hormones
- Not reliable
- —> Need willpower to withdraw on time.
- —> Some sperm may be released in the pre-ejaculate
- —> There is no protection for STIs.
What is the withdrawal method?
This is withdrawing before ejaculation
What are some examples of barrier contraceptives?
- male/ female condoms
- diaphragm/ caps
- These act as physical barriers as they prevent the entrance of sperm into the cervix.
- They can also be used with spermicide and act as an additional chemical barrier.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of barrier contraceptives?
- reliable - 98%
- protection from STIs
- male condom is widely available.
- distrusts the romantic nature of sexual intercourse
- reduces sexual pleasure
- danger of expiring
- allergy/ sensitivity to latex/ spermicide
What is progestogen?
This is synthetic progesterone.
What are some examples of hormonal control?
- Combined oestrogen and progestogen
- Vaginal ring
- Patches - Progesterone Depot
- High dose progestogen - Progesterone implant
- High dose progestogen - Low dose Progestogen
What are some examples of hormonal control?
- Combined oestrogen and progestogen
- Vaginal ring
- Patches - Progesterone Depot
- High dose progestogen - Progesterone implant
- High dose progestogen - Low dose Progestogen
- the progesterone depot and implant are long acting reversible contraception.
What is the role of Progesterone in the HPG axis?
- At moderate/ high doses, progesterone enhances the negative feedback of natural oestrogen
- –> This will reduce LH and FSH secretion. - At moderate/ high doses, progesterone inhibits the positive feedback of oestrogen
- –> This results in no LH surge and therefore no ovulation. - At lower doses, progesterone does not inhibit the LH surge, so ovulation is still likely.
- –> lower dose of progesterone will thicken cervical mucus.
What are the stages of the HPG axis?
- Hypothalamus, which releases GnRH to the AP.
- The anterior pituitary then secretes FSH and LH to the ovaries.
- Granulosa cells secrete inhibin whilst theca cells secrete oestrogen.
What is the combined oral contraceptive pill?
It is a pill containing a combination of synthetic oestrogen and progestogen.
- It tricks the body into thinking it is in the luteal phase of the cycle.
What is the principal action of the COCP?
Prevents ovulation
What is the secondary action of the COCP?
- reduces endometrial receptivity to inhibit implantation.
2. Thickens cervical mucus to inhibit penetration of sperm.
When should COCP be taken?
- taken for either 21 days followed by a 7 day break.
- taken for 21 days with 7 days of a placebo pill
What is the effectiveness of COCP if taken correctly?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of COCP?
- 98% effective
- can relieve menstrual disorders
- reduces the risk of ovarian cysts
- reduces risk of ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer —> as it is thinning out the endometrium lining, it reduces the risk of endometrial hypoplasia.
- No protection from STIs.
- Contraindications such as BMI, migraine and breast cancer
- side effects such as breakthrough bleeding, breast tenderness and mood disturbance
- increased risk of breast and cervical cancer, VTE, MI/stroke
What is the principle action of the progestogen injection?
Prevents ovulation
What is the secondary action of the progestogen injection?
- thickens the cervical mucus to inhibit penetration of sperm.
- prevents endometrial proliferation.
What is the progestogen injection?
It is an intramuscular injection that is given at intervals.