lec 8 Flashcards
operant conditioning vs classical conditioning?
operant conditioning are the rules the same?
classical conditioning are the rules the same?
raccoon example?
classical conditioning could be overriding operant conditioning
slash the raccoon believes the red token is special and the key to getting reinforcer and so doesnt want to get rid of it
can rulel out superstitious behaviour because hte knawing of the red token did not get reinofced
the researched therozied maybe all of this learning psychology philosophies simply doesn’t work on wild animals
misbehaviour experiment? was it classical conditioning?
different results for different pigeons
so environmental change is not impacting the behaviour we see
so we can rule out environmental change but must do exp
nylon has more misbehaviour than steel, shows that the reuslts really depend on both was CS and UCS is
the verdict?