Lec 6/ TB Ch 6&8b Flashcards

  • Retinas are 2D or 3D
  • 2 things if requires

Take home msg

  • Our retinas are 2D surfaces
    • that require eye movements
      • (e.m. help but also complicate things)
      • How to work around: oculomotor control, spatial constancy
    • that require 3D info to be recovered from flattened and distorted images
      • So we are dealing with Plato’s shadows in the cave
      • This disadvantage can be an advantage
        • Linear and Arial perspective, Binocular disparity, Horopter
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Eye movements

  • 6 muscles on on each eye
  • Purpose of 3 pairs of muscle on each eye
  • Left eye: how to move left vs right
  • 3 cranial nerves that control the eyes
    • # ?
    • Where does it start?
    • What does it innervate?
  • Which system control thee nerves ?
  • Superior colliculus
    • location
    • role
    • is it part of the visual pathway?
  • Inferior colliculus fx
  • Cerebral cortex fx
  • location

Eye movements

  • Eye movements: six muscles are attached to each eye and are arranged in three pairs:
    • 4 rectus muscles: Inferior/superior/lateral/medial rectus
    • 2 oblique muscles: Inferior/superior oblique
  • Lateral rectus = horizontal
  • Medial rectus = b/w eyes and nose
  • Superior rectus = top of the eye
  • Inferior rectus = bottom
  • Superior oblique = the top hook
  • Inferior oblique = bottom hook
  • It makes sense to have 3 pairs (2 for each dimension): it allows us to move horizontal, vertical, and torsional (rotating) eye movements
  • X
  • Left eye
  • To look to the left, the left eye will contract the lateral rectus muscle
  • To look right, the eye will contract the medial rectus muscle
  • X
  • Eye muscles are controlled by 3 cranial nerves
    • Cranial nerve III: aka oculomotor nerve
      • It starts in the oculomotor nucleus
      • It innervates all the muscles except for 2
    • Cranial nerve IV: trochlear nerve
      • It starts in trochlear nucleus; (trochlear = the hook on superior oblique muscle)
      • It innervates only the superior obliques muscle
    • Cranial nerve VI: abducens nerve
      • Starts in the abducens nucleus
      • It innervates the lateral rectus muscle
  • Cranial nerves start in the brainstem and are controlled by several other nuclei for horizontal and vertical eye movements
  • Superior colliculus: Structure in midbrain that plays important role in initiating and guiding eye movements
    • the 3 cranial is controlled by the superior colliculus
    • Not part of visual pathway
    • Have neurons for motor control for eyes and heads
    • It receives its own visual input and immediately converts it into eye movement
  • Inferior colliculus = hearing
  • Cerebral cortex: eye fields for motor control, controls the superior colliculus; Frontal & parietal (etc.) eye fields
    • Located at inferior parietal sulcus
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Eye movements cont

  • 3 step pathway
  • 6 types of eye movement
  • x
  • smooth pursuit: fx
  • Saccades fx
    • speed
  • Vergence movements fx
    • when are these seen?
    • Stereovision

Eye movements cont

Ares project to SC -> brain stem -> eye movements

6 types of eye movements (focus on 1st 4)

  • Smooth pursuit: Eyes move smoothly to follow moving object
  • Saccade: Rapid movement of eyes that change fixation from one object or location to another
  • Vergence eye movements: Type of eye movement in which two eyes move in opposite directions
  • Fixational eye movements, microsaccades: when you don’e move your eyes, your eyes will have these little jerking eye movements
  • 2 more to keep the retinal image stable during (self-)motion -> won’t be elab

Smooth pursuit: When smith is moving, we keep the object of interest stable and on the fovea; this is b/c he brain perceive this as eye movement (ex. pencil)


  • Function of saccadic eye movements: move (rotate) fovea to object of interest quickly o reduce travel time during which vision is blurred.
  • It moves 700 visual degrees/sec, and vision is blurred
  • Yarbus (1967): scan paths reveal intentions and interests.
    • Thin lines = saccades
    • Knobs = fixation
  • • 3-4 saccades/sec when u are awake (v fast)

Vergence movements - Function of vergence movements: looking at objects in depth so that retinal images are overlapping

  • Seen in Converging (when objects are close)/ diverging movements
    • Ex. you look at the tree in front of you (converge) -> images perfectly overlap
    • Ex. you look at mountains far away (diverge) -> double vision
  • Stereovision: images are overlapping
  • Done deliberately; you can control this
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  • Eye movement cont
  • How do we achieve spatial constancy?
    • False motion & tap eyeball example
    • Explanation
    • Corollary discharge
    • x
    • spatial constancy
      • 2 purposes
    • Compensation theory define
    • 3 steps

Eye movement cont

How do we achieve spatial constancy?

  • When we look at something, the doesn’t world “jump around”
  • false motion!
  • Demo: when you close one eye, and gently tap on the other eye, it seems like the world is shaking
  • When we tap on the eye, we move our eye and move the retinal image
  • It is not moving the normal way (6 eye muscles moving it)
  • corollary discharge (see later) tells you whether the eye muscles are contracting or not
  • When you tap your eye, the eye muscles are not doing anything and the retinal image is moving
  • So, that must be the world is shaking
  • This is related to spatial constancy
  • Spatial constancy: the ability to perceive the world as stable** and **continuous despite eye movements.
  • Enables us to discriminate motion across the retina that is due to eye movements vs. object movements
  • Enables us to tell where things are (ex location of yellow heart, even I look directly at it)
  • x
  • How do we perceive the world as stable?
  • Compensation theory: Perceptual system receives information about the eye movement and discounts changes in retinal image that result from it
    • # 1 Occulomotor system sends motor command to eye muscles
    • # 2 A copy of that command (“efference copy”or ”corollary discharge”) goes to an area of visual system that has been dubbed “comparator”
    • # 3 Comparator compensates for image changes caused by the eye movement, inhibiting any attempts by other parts of the visual system to interpret changes as object motion
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Eye movement cont

  • The comparator
    • 2 general steps
    • Case A: 1 eye follows a moving pencil - 2 steps
    • B: a pencil closer to you, a finger farther from you
      • The pencil is moving, finger is stationary
      • If your eye follows that pencil; The retinal image of the pencil is stable; the retinal image of the finger is not (moving)
      • → 2 steps
    • Issue: w/ compensator
    • motion sickness
  • Compensation theory & Bayesian inference connection

Eye movement cont

The comparator

  • # 1: eye follows the moving pencil/ you look at a dot, and a pencil moves within your receptive field
    • Image movement signal (Blue): send signals on whether you detect motion in the world or not
    • Motor signal: Brain structure send signals to the eye to control ocular movement
    • efferent signal/corollary discharge signal: Eyes send signals back to the brain on whether the eye was moving or not
  • # 2: The corollary discharge signal and image movement signal both enter the comparator
    • The comparator determines if there is motion in the world or not
  • x
  • Ex A: #1 eye follows a moving pencil
    • Corollary discharge signal: the eye is moving
    • Image movement signal: there’s no motion on the retina
  • # 2: Comparator: since the retinal image is stable but the eye is moving, there’s motion outside, in the world
  • x
  • Ex B: a pencil closer to you, a finger farther from you
    • The pencil closer to you is moving
    • The finger farther away is stationary
    • If your eye follows that pencil
      • The retinal image of the pencil is stable; the retinal image of the finger is not (moving)
    • 1 signals
      • Image movement signal: The retinal image of the finger signals that there is motion on the retina
      • Corollary discharge signal: tells the comparator there’s also eye movement
    • 2 The comparator concludes that the finger is stationary (no motion)
  • X
  • But: compensation (from compensator) wouldn’t be precise enough.
    • Discounting motion caused by movement is never precise enough (v difficult to be precise)
    • When you use your eyes, it will misperceive a little bit of motion b/c the compensator will make little mistakes -> this amounts to lots of false motion perceived even though there is compensation
    • This causes motion sickness: Our balance system tells us the world is not moving; but the visual system tells us the world is moving
    • Since compensation is not precise enough, and these mistakes have unpleasant cons (ex motion sickness)
  • Prof study showed that compensation theory follows Bayesian inference (e.g., Niemeier et al., 2003)
  • The brain achieves spatial constancy because it assumes a priori that the world is not moving
    • IOW: Small movements in the world that coincide with saccades are ignored
    • IOW: the movements are so small, and the system discards it
  • Thus, p(S) = prior probability = we assume the world as stable
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How do we perceive the world as continuous?

  • Why don’t we perceive smears when things move fast?
  • Saccadic suppression
  • Graph
    • y-axis
    • x-axis
    • meaning
  • How do we perceive the world as continuous?
    • When we look at heart then circle pictures very quickly, we don’t see a smear
    • When you move a camera very fast while taking a picture, you see a smear
  • Why don’t we notice retinal smear during saccades? -> we have saccadic suppression
  • Saccadic suppression (of vision, incl. motion): Reduction of visual sensitivity that occurs when one makes a saccadic eye movement; eliminates smear from retinal image motion during an eye movement
  • IOW: when we are about to make an eye movement, our visual system shut down visual sensitivity
  • Y-axis: d’, if it is over 3 = really good at the task; 0 = shit, no motion perception
  • X-axis: when you perceive motion
    • 0 = when do you perceive motion
  • Motion perception sensitivity drop before the saccade starts, to prep for not seeing smears
  • IOW: visual system ignores vision during saccadic phase
  • X
  • We have short periods of blindness (“grey-out”) when we make a saccade
  • Distorted time perception around the time of saccades
  • Still dunno mechanism
  • But saccadic suppression help us perceive the world as continuous
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Space perception and binocular vision

  • euclidian geometry
    • // lines
    • assumption
  • Which sense (among our 5 senses) is governed by Euclidian geometry?
  • Does this apply for vision?
  • What problem is there when we received 3D info from 2D projections
    • object size
    • What does our visual system
  • Parallax
  • aka?
  • Example of horizontal parallax (fingers)
  • What is parallax helpful for?
  • x
  • How do we perceive depth?
    • what process is involved?
  • Monocular depth cues vs. Binocular depth cues
  • Binocular depth cues provide 3 things

Intro to space perception

  • Euclidian geometry: Parallel lines remain parallel as they are extended in space
    • Objects maintain the same size and shape as they move around in space
  • Which sense is governed by Euclidian geometry?
    • Touch
    • Ex no matter how far the cup is, it’s still the same size
  • But Euclidian geometry does not apply for vision
  • x
  • Problem for vision: recover 3D info from 2D projections
  • When the retina image is 2D -> distortions
  • Ex, object close by is way bigger than object far away (this not true in reality)
  • IOW: It looks Euclidian, but it is not the case
  • However, most depth cues can be derived from geometrical consequences (Euclidian) of the projection
  • IOW: we can reconstruct 3D reality with these distortions
  • Parallax: The two retinal images of a three-dimensional world are not the same
    • Ex: you hold R finger in front of your nose, L finger far away from your nose
    • When you only look via the R eye, the hands overlap; when you look w/ L eye only, your hands are separate
    • -> horizontal parallax
  • Parallax helps w/ stereovision
  • Binocular disparity (aka parallax): The diff between the two retinal images of the same scene. It is the basis of stereopsis; a vivid perception of the 3D of the world that is not available with monocular vision.
    • Disparity in the horizontal dimension

Depth perception

  • Our retinas are 2D projection surfaces.
  • The brain creates a 3D image from the projections.
    • Ex. via free fusion by converging your eyes

Depth perception w/ 1 eye vs 2 eyes

  • Monocular depth cues vs. Binocular depth cues = One eye sufficient vs. two eyes necessary
  • Binocular depth cues (from overlapping visual fields) provide:
    • 1: Convergence
    • 2: Stereopsis: see the same object w/ slightly different vantage point
      • Pigeon has eyes at the side of its head -> little binocular vision; but it can see behind itself for predators
      • Owl: have eyes in front of skull -> have binocular depth cues
    • 3: Ability of two eyes to see more of an object than one eye
      • 1 eyes sees more on the left; other eye sees more of the right eye
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Space perception and binocular vision cont

  • 7 Monocular Cues to Three-Dimensional Space
    • definition
    • example
    • nonmetrical depth cue vs metric
      • occlusion
      • familiar size
  • 3 main cues in bunny picture; what is missing in the 2nd one?
  • Euclid’s remoteness theorem & relative height
  • Why is there more depth in the rotated image?
  • Familiar size
    • woman’s hand and head
    • books in the painting
    • penny and the toy car

Monocular Cues to Three-Dimensional Space

  • – Occlusion
  • – Relative size
  • – Position cues
  • – Familiar size
  • – Aerial perspective
  • – Linear perspective
  • – Motion cues
  • x
    • Occlusion
  • Occlusion: A cue to relative depth order when, for example, one object obstructs the view of part of another object
    • T-junctions tells us there is occlusion
    • Nonmetrical depth cue: provides info about depth order but not magnitude.
    • (Metrical depth cues: Provide quantitative information about distance)
  • X
  • Size and position cues:
  • Relative Size: we can compare the size between items without knowing the absolute size of either one
    • We can tell the right balls are smaller, but we don’t know how small in terms of magnitudes
  • Flowers closer to use = bigger; further down = smaller -> creates a sense of depth
  • x
  • Texture Gradient: A depth cue based on the geometric fact that items of the same size form smaller images when they are farther away
    • Ex. squares closer to us appear bigger; vv
    • Ex. bubbles are circle, some are oval, and they are oriented in different directions
    • These distortions in textures together they form depth and waves
    • x
  • Relative Height: Objects at different distances from the viewer on the ground plane (where we stand on) will form images at different heights in the retinal image
    • Diff heights on the ground plan can create depth
    • objects further away are seen higher in the visual field
    • Ex. bubbles on the top are further away b/c it is located higher in our visual field
  • Ex. relative height: bunny at the bottom = closer; bunny at the top = further away
  • Ex. texture gradient: these geometric images (all bunnies); smaller = farther away
  • Ex. Relative size: bunnies closer to us = bigger; bunnies farther away = smaller
    • There’s texture gradient and relative size (bunnies on the right might be further away as they are smaller)
  • But the depth cue is not as convincing
  • This is missing relative height
    • When we look at a plane, objects that are smaller are usually higher on the visual field (not on the right)
  • Relative height
  • Tells us about depth
  • Euclid’s remoteness theorem: The more remote parts in planes situated below the eye, appear higher (the projection EF of BC appears higher than the projection DE of AB).
  • Ex bunnies are on B and C -> projected higher on our visual field as E and F
  • Natural scene statistics. (we live in a world w/ gravity)
  • Which one looks deeper?
  • When I rotate the image by 180 degrees, the rotated image still has depth cues (texture gradient and relative size); but
  • Here the object that is further down here = objects that are further away
  • We see less depth here
  • x
  • Familiar size: depth cue based on knowledge of the typical size of objects
    • Absolute metrical depth cue
    • Ex: woman’s holding out her hand b/c the hand here is bigger than her head
    • Ex: painting
      • We know books are kinda small, around the size of a hand
      • Painter painted books and put it near the building; this makes the books look massive
      • It seems like the size of the objects is changing
    • Ex. it looks like a penny is on the toy car
    • In reality, an artist made a huge ass coin and put it on a real car -> took an pic
    • This plays w/ our familiar size depth cu
  • Aerial perspective: A depth cue that is based on the implicit understanding that light is scattered by the atmosphere
    • Although air is transparent, it does filter out some light
  • This leads to reduction in contrast, saturation, hue -> cooler colours, blue (bluish)
  • Example: Haze (light fog)
    • B: the top trees (mountains) that are bluer seem to be farther away
  • x
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Space perception and binocular vision cont

  • Linear perspective
  • How does the instrument construct the linear perspective?
  • Vanishing points
    • how many vanishing points are in real life?
    • 3 point perspective
  • Foreshortening
  • Raphael’s trick in painting
  • Limitation of linear perspective
  • anamorphosis
  • Monocular cues fail
    • painting lines in the rm
    • Ames room
  • Motion parallax
    • Ex. column and brick wall when train leaves
  • stereokinetic effect
  • Linear perspective: A depth cue based on the fact that lines that are parallel in the three-dimensional world will appear to converge in a two-dimensional image
    • 1415, Filippo Brunelleschi
      • Pioneered in linear perspective
      • Sistine Chapel in Vatican, mainly painted by Michelangelo
      • There’s one painting done by Filippo
      • Used linear perspective
      • The // lines converge into a single point at the church
      • This produces more depth in painting
    • You can construct linear perspective via the instrument below
      • The thread indicates the vantage point
      • The artist locates the position of the thread on the grid
      • Then draws/dots the location on the paper
    • Vanishing point: The apparent point at which parallel lines receding in depth converge
    • We can have multiple vanishing points, up to 3
      • Ex. we can have 2 vanishing points in the horizon, 1 in the vertical dimension -> 3 point perspective
      • Brunelesci didn’t know there’s a 3rd one
      • The 3rd one: Ex when you stand in front of skyscraper, one of the vanishing point goes into the sky
      • Ex. when we look down the skyscraper, we also see lines converging to the ground
    • 3-point perspective: discovered after the invention of photo cameras.
  • Foreshortening: refers to the visual effect that an object or distance appears shorter than it actually is because it is angled toward the projection screen/retina/picture plane.
  • Ex. Your pinky has a specific size
  • When the hand is oriented to or away from you, the pinky is drawn w/ a smaller size
  • Ex. the width of the actual door does not match the frame in the picture (foreshortening) -> creates depth
    • Raphael’s tricks
      • Square tiles are used in linear perspective paintings
      • Linear perspective doesn’t seem to be working all the time: The square tiles can look distorted in the centre and the sides (circles)
      • Raphael put stuff in the centre and sides of the painting to cover the square tiles
      • Red arrow: the globe is a perfect circle
        • In linear perspective, the globe should be distorted
        • Raphael ignored rules of linear perspective
  • Linear perspective is designed to work from only 1 vantage point (ex the artists use a device with a thread to draw an object from only 1 vantage point)
  • Pictures are relatively robust to vantage point of the observer. But only to a certain point.
  • Ex when you look from the front, picture looks fine
  • When you look at it from the side (ex 45 deg angle), it is distorted but your brain recognizes it is a picture and can compensate for it
    • Anamorphosis: a distorted projection or perspective requiring the viewer to use special devices or occupy a specific vantage point to reconstitute the image.
      • Ex. the smear on the image looks so random
      • After adjustment, we see a skull
  • Monocular cues can fail/ trick monocular cues
    • Top image: it seems like we are looking at a rectangle w/ 2 oblique lines floating in mid air
    • But these are just paint markings on the floors and walls when you take a picture at a different vantage point
  • Ames room
    • Here the depth cues are removed. The girl on the left is much further away, but the perspective cues are manipulated.
    • Only works for a single view point. (look w/ 1 eye in the peep hole
    • Ex: girl on the right looks like a giant, but it’s just b/c she is closer (the objects in the room are all distorted)
  • x
  • Most monocular cues work in paintings
  • this one only works when things are in motion
  • Motion cues: parallax in time
    • Imagine you are on a train that is leaving the platform
    • The platform has columns and wall
    • The wall seems to be moving less (more slowly) compared to the columns
    • Here, objects closer to you (column) move more than objects farther away (wall)
    • Motion provides cue for depth/distance
  • Motion parallax: the fact that objects moving at a constant speed across the retina will appear to move a greater amount/faster if they are closer to an observer
  • X
  • Stereokinetic effect (another type of motion parallex): the rotating figure seems to show a large cone (sticking out) and a tiny one (sticking in) rotating
    • It is an illusion of depth
    • Unlike simple depth illusions (ex Necker cube), stereotkinetic effect is an example of depth from motion
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Space perception and binocular vision cont

  • Combining cues: 4 main cues on the scene
  • Depth Cues involving intra-/extraocular muscles - 3
  • Accommodation define
    • What does it provide
    • Monocular or binocular cue?
    • Visual or non-visual cue?
  • Convergence & Divergence
    • What you eyes do?
    • What does it reduce?’
    • What does it tell you about the distance of the object?
    • Visual or non-visual cue?
  • x
  • Vergence
  • triangulation
    • define
    • measure river width
  • How do our eyes use triangulation?
    • Monocular or binocular cue?
    • Visual or non-visual cue?

Combining cues

  • Most scenes have multiple cues
  • • Texture gradient (the stone tiles)
  • • Relative height (people towards the top of the painting are smaller)
  • • Aerial perspective (the black of the clothes of ppl in the front are more saturated than the black of the clothes of ppl at the back)
  • • Linear perspective (the building has 2 vanishing points)

Depth Cues involving intra-/extraocular muscles

  • Non-visual monocular cues
  • Binocular cues
  • Non-visual binocular cues
  • X
  • Accommodation and vergence help eyes perceive depth:
  • • Accommodation: Eye changes its focus (ciliary muscles/intraocular muscle change the shape of the lens)
    • Signals for accommodation provides you depth info
    • Close by objects: ciliary objects have to contract to make the lens more round; vv
    • It is a monocular depth cue (you do not need both eyes)
    • But this is NOT a visual monocular depth cue
    • This is proprioception/ somatosensation
  • • Convergence: Ability of the two eyes to turn inward; reduces the disparity of a feature to (near) zero
  • • Divergence: Ability of the two eyes to turn outward; reduces the disparity of the feature to (near) zero
  • * It is near zero b/c you don’t want double vision
  • The 6 muscles mentioned in this lecture (outside the eyes) that helps w/ convergence and divergence
    • When the eyes are converging, this indicates you are looking at an object close by; vv
    • This binocular cue is NOT a stereo/visual cue
    • It’s about the extraocular muscles outside the eyes
  • X
  • Vergence: angles of eye positions
  • • Triangulation: a technique that helps you tell the distance of things
  • Ex want to measure the width of the river
  • Running a measuring tape across the lake won’t really work
  • # 1: set up 2 instruments, adjust them so both instruments are looking at the same tree at the shore
  • # 2: since you know 2 angles of the triangle, and the distance b/w the 2 instruments, you can figure out the width of the lake (hypotenuse)

Vergence (triangulation is also used by our eyes)

  • Ex: when we look at the blue crayon, it creates a triangle
    • Since we “know” the angles the eyes are converging, we know how far the blue crayon is
  • Ex: when we look at the red crayon -> divergence (same logiv)
  • This is a binocular cue (uses 2 eyes)
  • But NOT a VISUAL binocular cue (b/c we are using the muscles of the eyes)
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  • Binocular disparity
  • stereopsis
  • Bob & crayons
    • What do his retinal image actually look like (orientations)?
    • Dashed lines
    • Define Zero binocular disparity
      • which 2 crayons has 0 binocular disparity?
    • x
    • Vieth-Muller Circle/ horopter
    • what happens if you fixate on a closer object?
    • Panum’s fusion area
    • Diplopia

Binocular vision and stereopsis

  • Binocular disparity: Differences between the images falling on the two retinas due to parallax
  • Stereopsis: “Popping out in depth”
    • Most humans are able to see this way; NOT ALL
    • How exactly does this translation from stimulus attribute to perception take place?

Stereopsis from binocular disparity

  • Bob is looking at the crayons
  • He is fixating on red crayons
    • So the eyes are rotated/converged
    • So the image of the red crayon falls on the fovea
    • The images on Bob’s retina will be upside down, and the left and right will be reversed
  • Images on Bob’s 2 retinas.
  • Dashed lines: Bob is fixating on the red crayon, the image of the red crayon is on his fovea
    • Bob fixates red crayon:
  • For the red crayon, there are corresponding retinal points
  • IOW, the points of retinal images have the same distance from the fovea.
    • The red crayon is on the dashed line (fovea), horizontally – distance = 0
  • “Zero binocular disparity”.
    • This happens when we look at the object w/ both of our eyes
  • The same happens to be true for the blue crayon.
    • The horizontal distance is not 0
    • But there is zero binocular disparity
    • The distance b/w the red and blue crayon on the left retinal image = right retinal image (no disparity)

Vieth-Muller Circle

  • Horopter: location of objects in space whose images lie on corresponding points. The surface of zero disparity.
    • IOW: the red and blue crayons are both on the horopter
    • From the top, it looks like a circle (aka Vieth Muller circle; just the horizontal/cross sectional plane
    • But in reality, it is 3D, like folding a piece of paper
      • If you fixate on a closer object (ex object in front of red crayon), the horopter changes
  • Panum’s fusion area: region of space in front and behind the horopter within which binocular single vision is possible.
    • A crayon is 3D
    • Part of the crayon is sticking out of the c rayon (in front and back)
    • IOW: there are parts of the crayon that is not lying on the horopter and does not have zero disparity
    • This is also the case for the blue crayon
    • But our brain does not perceive those regions as double vision
    • These regions = Panum’s fusion area
  • Diplopia: double vision for points outside Panum’s fusion area.
    • Ex. Brown crayon
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Binocular vision and stereopsis cont

  • which crayons show relative disparity
  • What info does disparity provide?

Crossed vs uncrossed disparity

  • “Sign” of disparity
  • LHS image
    • bottom image = ?
      • what are wee fixating at
      • how much disparity is there?
      • blue crayon location
      • Crossed disparity
    • RHS image
      • where is the horopter
      • bottom box = ?
      • what are wee fixating at
      • how much disparity is there?
      • red crayon location
      • implication
      • uncrossed disparity
  • Absolute disparity
  • relative disparity
  • B&W image
    • LHS
      • what are we fixating at? (further or closer object?)
      • Absolute disparity of further object?
      • Absolute disparity of closer object?
    • RHS
      • what are we fixating at?
      • What does +1/2: +ve disparity mean?
      • What does -1/2: +ve disparity mean?
      • do they have zero disparity?
      • The absolute vs relative disparity here
    • Main implication

Relative disparity

  • When we superimpose these images
  • We get this
    • The red and blue crayon lies inside Panum fusion area
      • So we see one blue and one red crayon
    • The brown and purple crayon is behind the Panum fusion area
      • So we have diopia/double vision for those
      • In day light, we do not notice this b/c we tend to focus on the object in front of us (red crayon)
    • For objects outside the Panum fusion area
      • There are differences in disparity
      • There is a larger disparity for purple crayons than brown crayons
      • This suggest the purple crayon are located farther away than the brown crayons
    • IOW, based on the amount disparity, we can tell how far away the object is from the horopter/panum’s fusion area

Crossed vs uncrossed disparity

  • “Sign” of disparity: based on whether the object is located in front our behind the horopter
    • Crossing vs. uncrossing the eyes
    • LHS: the blue crayon is located in front of the red crayon
      • Bottom: what we perceive
        • The red crayon is in the middle of picture
        • -> We are fixating at the red crayon
          • There is 0 disparity; the image of the red crayon is the same on the L and R eye
        • The blue crayon is not located in the same position
          • Since there is disparity, this suggest the blue crayon is not on the horopter
          • Specifically, the blue crayon is in front of the horopter
            • In left eye: blue crayon is R of red crayon
            • In R eye: vv
        • Crossed disparity: object is in front of the horopter
    • RHS: when Bob fixates on the blue crayon instead (image of blue crayon is on the fovea)
      • The horopter shifts to the blue crayon
      • Bottom boxes: the blue crayon is in the middle of the retinal image
        • This is b/c Bob is fixating at the blue crayon (zero disparity here)
        • For the red crayon is not located in the same position in the left and right eye
          • There is non-zero disparity, this suggest the red crayon is not on the horopter
          • Specifically, it is behind the horopter b/c
            • In the left eye, the red crayon is on the L of blue crayon
            • R eye: the red crayon is on the R of the blue crayon
          • Thus, this is uncrossed disparity, indicating the objects is behind the horopter
  • X
  • Absolute vs. relative disparity info can be extracted:
    • Absolute disparity: A difference in the actual retinal coordinates in the left & right eyes of the image of a feature in the visual scene
    • Relative disparity: The difference in absolute disparities of two elements in the visual scene
    • Ex.
    • LHS image
      • There are 2 crayons
      • The eyes are fixating at the object that is located farther away
        • For the object located farther away, the absolute disparity = 0
        • For the object that is crossed/in front of the horopter, the absolute disparity is not 0, and is positive value (i.e. 1)
    • RHS image
      • The person is fixating b/w the 2 crayons
      • There are 2 diff types of disparity
        • +1/2: +ve disparity, closer to the observer, Half the magnitude
        • -1/2: -ve disparity; this is b/c the object is behind the horopter
      • IOW, there are non-zero disparities for both objects
      • Here, since both crayons are located outside of the horopter, the absolute disparities have changed
    • The relative disparity: difference b/w the absolute disparities
      • LHS: difference = 1 = RHS
      • So the relative disparity has NOT changed
  • Why is this important?
    • Even when we fixate on different things and the horopter changes, we don’t perceive any change in the distance/depth (we can make this out based on relative disparity)
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  • Binocular Vision and Stereopsis (cont’d)
  • correspondence problem
  • Free fusion
  • what happens when ppl are stereo blind
  • Purpose of Julesz: random dot stereogram
  • for the 3 diagrams: RHS → explain
  • 3 ways to solve the correspondence problem
  • x
  • How is stereopsis implemented in the human brain? - 3 steps

Free fusion

  • To compute disparity (absolute or relative), we need to know which objects are the same b/w the 2 eyes
  • This is another correspondence problem
  • There’s 2 photos (stereogram) taken at 2 different vantage points
    • Free fusion: The technique of converging (crossing) or diverging the eyes in order to view a stereogram without a stereoscope
      • It takes practice
      • When we cross our eyes, accommodation is tied to this
      • When we cross our eyes, our brain thinks we are seeing smth closer, so it adjusts
      • Our accommodation should not change b/c the distance from a screen did not change
  • Some ppl can’t free fuse or see 3D things w/ a stereoscope

Binocular Vision and Stereopsis (cont’d)

  • Some people do not experience stereoscopic depth perception because they have stereoblindness
    • An inability to make use of binocular disparity as a depth cue
    • Can result from a childhood visual disorder, such as strabismus, in which the two eyes are misaligned
      • Why are ppl stereoblind? For them, it is challenging to find the corresponding pts in the 2 retinal images
  • Julesz: random dot stereograms can only be seen with binocular cues; they contain no monocular depth cues
    • Julesz dev these random pixels, some pixels are systematically shifter, and the gaps are replaced w/ more random pixels
    • There’s only disparity; and no other depth cues (ex. monocular, linear perspective)
      • You can still see 3D
  • Thus, this shows that disparity is sufficient for stereopsis/stereovision. No need for cues from object perception
  • X
  • Correspondence problem: Figuring out which bit of the image in the left eye should be matched with which bit in the right eye
    • Correspondence between two apples that actually are the same apple (easy).
      • You can use colors
    • Correspondence between pixels that are the same (hard!!!).
  • How to solve the correspondence problems?

The correspondence problem (part 1)

  • There are 3 objects
    • LHS: Each eye sees 3 items (1,2,3)
      • When you free fuse, you need to rotate your eyes so the free fused image has 3 items (not 6 items)
  • Centre: you aren’t completely sure there are 3 items in the world
    • We only know the L eye detects 3 items; R eye detects 3 items
  • RHS: A hypothetical scenario that is possible – there are 5 items
    • The L eye sees 3 purple items on the left
      • (the 4th item on the right is further away and occluded by one of the item)
      • # 2 is also occluded
    • R eye only sees 3 items on the right
      • 1 purple dot is occluded; the white dot is also occluded
  • Since you only detect 3 items on L eye, 3 items on R eye, you think the 3 items correspond to each other
  • But in reality they actually do not
  • This is a really rare case
    • X
  • A few ways to solve the correspondence problem:
      1. Blurring the image: Focusing on low-spatial frequency information
        * So the white angle (top right) correspond to eo
      1. Uniqueness constraint: A feature in the world will be represented exactly once in each retinal image (1 feature in one eye paired 1 feature in the other eye)
        * This means that this occlusion case is so rare that we dismiss it from the get go
      1. Continuity constraint: Except at the edges of objects, neighboring points in the world lie at similar distances from the viewer
        * Ex. the purple dot/crayon
        • The point on a surface of the crayon has similar distance to the eye
        • IOW: once you find correspondence for one point, we can assume the neighboring points have similar distances
  • How is stereopsis (see w/ 2 eyes w/ depth) implemented in the human brain?
    • Input from two eyes converges onto the same cell (V1 or later)
      • Ex. in the LGN, the input from the 2 eyes happens at diff layers
        • IOW, stereovision won’t happen here
      • Ex. V1 – receives info from both eyes
    • Many binocular neurons (i.e. they have receptive fields for both eyes) respond best when the retinal images are on corresponding points in the two retinas: Neural basis for the horopter
      • Ex if the receptive field of 1 eye is directly on the fovea (2 deg left), the receptive field of the other eye will also be on the fovea (2 deg left)
      • IOW, cells with receptive fields w/ the same distance from the fovea -> they form the neural basis of the horopter
      • When these cells are active, this means something is on the horopter
    • However, many other binocular neurons respond best when similar images occupy slightly different positions on the retinas of the two eyes (tuned to particular binocular disparity)
      • Ex. you have a cell w/ a receptive field on the left eye that is 2 degree L of the fovea, the receptive field for the R eye is 3 degree left to the fovea
      • This suggest there is binocular disparity b/w the 2 receptive fields
      • This is the neural basis of space in front or behind the horopter
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Disparity sensitive neurons

  • RHS:
    • arrows - pathway: 3 steps
    • L & R eye - red and blue neuron
    • What happens
  • Centre
    • grey dot
    • L & R eye - red and blue neuron
    • What happens
  • RHS
    • grey dot
    • L & R eye - red and blue neuron
    • What happens
  • Binocular Rivalry

Disparity sensitive neurons

  • In these images, the eyes are fixating at an object
  • Lines = light from the fixation point to the eye’s fovea
  • RHS: there are 2 neurons that have receptive fields on the eye
    • Arrows indicate indirect connections
      • Receptive field on retina (ganglion cell) -> signal reaches LGN -> striate cortex (v1)
    • We can see the receptive field of the red neuron on the L eye is further away from the fovea (black line) than that in the right eye
    • So, the light hits the fovea
      • In the L eye, the red neuron does not detect light
      • In the R eye, the red neuron does not detect light
      • Since not both of the receptive fields detect light, the red neuron does not respond
      • The same case is w/ the blue neuron
  • Centre image
    • The eyes are still fixating at the black dot (horopter is still there)
    • The grey dot: indicates there is an object located in front of the black dot
      • Black lines = light travelling from the grey object to the fovea
      • For the red neuron
        • The light falls on to the receptive field of the red neuron in the L and R eye
        • The red neuron responds b/c it has cross-disparity in the receptive field
          • The grey object is in front of the horopter
    • The blue neuron has receptive field at slightly different location
      • In the L eye, light does not fall on the receptive field of the blue neuron -> blue neuron does not respond
  • RHS
    • The eye still fixates at the black dot
    • The grey object is located farther away, and light rays travel to the fovea
    • Blue neuron: the light rays falls on the receptive field of the blue neuron on the L eye and R eye -> blue neuron responds
    • Red neuron: no light falls on it’s receptive field -> no response
    • IOW: blue neuron responds to uncrossed disparity (objects behind the horopter)
  • Thus, these neurons respond the non-zero retinal disparity (specifically objects locted in front or behind the horopter)
  • X
  • Disparity indicate you have double vision, and you need to resolve this conflict
  • Binocular Rivalry: visual system is struggling b/w this info, one eye dominates the other
  • Binocular Rivalry: The competition between the two eyes for control of visual perception, which is evident when completely different stimuli are presented to the two eyes
  • Ex. when you free fuse the stereogram below, you get a blend of the 2
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Space Perception and Binocular Vision

  • Bayesian approach
  • Optimal inference from cues
  • How they are similar
  • x
  • Coins
  • 3 cases (pics: LHS, centre, RHS)
  • Which one do we choose based on Bayesian stats?
  • Which cue do we use?
  • x
  • Grey pics
    • grey dot
    • black dot
    • Specific distance tendency
    • Equidistance tendency

Space Perception and Binocular Vision

Combining depth cues

  • Bayesian approach: A statistical model suggesting that prior knowledge could influence your estimates of the probability of a current event
    • Given I sit in the car, how often do I hold the steering wheel
    • Given I sit in a chair, how often do I hold the steering wheel
    • The probabilities are very different
  • Optimal inference from cues: perception should choose the solution depending on which one is most likely.
  • Very often perception comes close to what is optimally possible.
  • Bayesian inference: calculates what is most optimal
  • Perception does this
  • x
  • Retinal image of a simple scene
  • There are 2 American coins
  • LHS: It seems like one coin in the R is closer to us than the coin on the L, b/c the coin on the left is occluded
  • Centre: Coin of the left is very far away and is massive
    • This is unlikely b/c objects that are similar tend to have the same size
    • This is dismissed based on our prior k
  • RHS: both coins are at the same distance
    • Red coin is slightly smaller and has a piece cut out, and we put the 2 coins together
    • We dismiss this -> unlikely
  • This shows how Bayesian inferences is used in perception: we select the most likely scenario
  • X
  • How does the visual system decide what you are actually seeing?
  • We select the interpretation that is most likely? (Basis of the Bayesian approach)
  • Our selection is based on familiar size cue: Prior knowledge

What if there’s no depth information?

  • Imagine you are in a dark room, and seeing things in 1 eye
    • And there are LEDs
    • You don’t know the size of the LEDs and how far away the LEDs are
    • Even though we have no depth info, our visual system has the tendency to guess the distance as = 2-4 m-> specific distance tendency
      • Grey dot: what we perceive
      • Black dot = physical stimuli
  • Specific distance tendency: When a simple object is presented in an otherwise dark environment, observers usually judge it to be at a distance of 2-4 m.
  • Scenario 2
    • In the dark room, you see LEDs closer to you, and another one farther away from you at the same time
  • Equidistance tendency: Under the same conditions, an object is usually judged to be at about the same distance from the observer as neighbouring objects. (grey dots)
  • Ex: Starry sky
  • Why do we have these tendencies?
    • This is has to do w/ our prior k
    • There are Statistics of natural scenes: in reality, most things we see in the world are away by 2-4m
      • Some things are closer to us (there’s usually space b/w you and the object)
      • Other objects are behind 4m, but they get occluded
  • What happens when our guesses are wrong? – Illusions
    • The one on the upper image seems bigger but both men are the same size
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