LEC 6 - Eating Disorders Flashcards
What is an eating disorder?
- Severe disturbances in eating that result from obsessive anxiety about gaining or losing weight
- Intense phobias about losing/gaining weight
What is a binge eating disorder
People don’t meet typical ED criteria
How do we differentiate disorders?
How is culture relating to mental health problems?
How is culture a social determinant of mental illness?
Anorexia Nervosa Comobidity
Depression, anxiety, OCD, body dysmorphic disorder
Is it different from OCD?
–> BDD?
Anorexia and Suicide
o Can die from complications but most likely will be suicide
o Might represent a form of chronic suicide?
- Is it a cry for help??
Bulimia Nervosa
Episodes of binge eating and “inappropriate compensates”
- High rates of Comorbidity
Bulimia (Compensation)
binge creating shame and then they act out (throw up, laxatives, excessive exercise)
Bulimia (Binge)
eating an amount far more than is typically normal, having no control over stopping
Problems accompanying Anorexia
- Sexual difficulties and disinterest
- Lack of impulse control
- Health problems
- Overall difficulties (hair, skin, kidney function)
Anorexia VS Bulimia
A: Extreme Diet
Below normal weight
Comforted by rigid self-control
Denial of disorder
B: Binge eating
Normal weight
Distressed by lack of control
Aware of problem (ashamed)
Etiological Theories
Social: want to live up to societal norms
Interpersonal: suggests that eating disorders are products of specific
family environments
Evolutionary: becoming thinner to attract mates
Montreux Clinic
Peggy Claude-Pierre claimed that her round the clock inpatient
program had 90% success rate through nothing but unconditional love
- No qualifications
- Many died at Montreux
- Patients physically restrained, no leaving clinic, communication with outside was censored
- Anorexia and bulimia 10x more common in women
- Middle, upper middle class
- High concordance with other disorders
- Age of onset increasing at both ends of the spectrum
- Common in western societies (beauty standards? diet culture?)
Eating Disorders In Men
Men have a higher threshold of what is thin than women
- Men are less likely to recognize the problem and feel more stigmatized
because of it
Pro-Ana and Pro-Mia
Online communities who argue that these issues are not mental
disorders but a lifestyle choice
- Aim to provide a non-judgemental mutual support forum for their
lifestyle choice
Term used by those with diagnosed eating disorders against those trying to “develop’ the disorder because they see it as glamorous