lec 5- evolutionary history Flashcards
what causes science to change?
new data, it results in new hypotheses and theories
what is the intelligent design movement?
a movement where people try to find faults in Darwinism
what does Darwin’s book “origin of species” (1859) explain?
explains how patterns of diversity came to be
who is the father of modern taxonomy?
Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778)
what were the early ideas of evolution and the earth and in what part of the world did this “enlightenment” occur?
-earth formed according to physics and chemistry laws
-life emerged as distinct types
-France was the source of enlightenment
who was the person before Darwin that believed organisms like humans can change over time?
Georges Buffon (1707-1788), from France
who declared extinction as a fact that led to the evolution of new species from them?
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832)
what were Lamarck’s theories on evolution?
-Lamarck (1744-1829) believed that complex species descended from microbes
-he also said that adaptations occured through inheritance of acquired changes through needs and “use and disuse”
- he believed an individual can change according to its needs like a giraffe growing a longer neck to reach higher
when was Charles Darwin’s lifespan?
where did Charles Darwin grow up, and what school did he go to?
-grew up in Shrewbury England
-went to medical school in Edinburgh, then went to Cambridge
-grad with a BA at age 22
was Darwin a smart student?
no, he was average
when did the voyage of the beagle occur?
what was the voyage of the beagle for?
-to map the coast of south America and voyage around the world to make latitude and longitudinal measurements for the military
-collect fossils and living organisms
what type of ship was the beagle?
a navy ship with crowded conditions
are the sloths in the amazon related to the giant ground sloths of south America?
did the Galapagos have many endemic species?
yes, had a lot of diversification and variation (tortoise shells were different from one another)
why did Darwin delay his publication of his findings on evolution?
was affected by his daughter Annie’s death
who prompted Darwin to publish?
Thomas Huxley prompted him to publish as well as receiving letters from Wallace about how his credit might be taken if he didn’t publish
what were Darwins theories related to evolution as seen in the origin of species?
-all species share common ancestry with earlier life forms
-heritable variations are present in all organisms
-changes occur through natural selection of certain variations
-many more are born than can survive to maturity
how was Darwin’s theory different from Lamarck?
-switched the idea of evolution from individual to populations
-provided the mechanism known as natural selection to be able to test
-had other evidence like artificial selection and more