What is a probability analysis?
Probability analysis used to identify the likelihood of the measured value lying in the normal range.
How are the values obtained from a visual field exam interpreted?
1.Necessity for comparison of the measured sensitivity with that of the age-corrected normal sensitivity.
2.Necessity for a probability analysis of the above comparison.
3.Separation of the extent of the focal loss (Pattern Deviation) from the extent of the diffuse and the focal loss, combined (Total Deviation).
4.Concept of the elevator by which the separation is achieved.
Separation of overall loss (generalized loss) that occurs from?
Occurs from media opacities, small pupils, poor or no correction of Rx.
Moving from total deviation map to pattern deviation map is using an?
elevator/ general height adjustment
What do absolute values represent ?
The numbers that represent sensitivity to a spot of light.
What is difference (deviation) values?
Difference from age corrected normal values.
To move from total deviation to pattern deviation:
What does 0, -ve and +ve values indicate?
Measured (estimated) sensitivity – age corrected normal sensitivity.
-> 0 indicates the measured sensitivity is the same as the average value.
-> -ve value indicates that the measured value is worse than the average.
-> +ve value indicates that the measured value is better than the average.
Why do you move from total deviation to pattern deviation?
This map removes the influence of media opacities, cataracts, small pupils, etc. to identify focal damage.
How is the elevator value identified by the software?
The software removes the locations In the outer region. The software ranks the deviations from the most positive/ least negative. These are arbitrary values. The software then selects the 7th most positive or least negative 7th number.
Why is the 7th number used in identification of the elevator?
To remove guessing that can occur, and it is the 85th percentile.
After ranking numbers and finding the elevator value as -3, how is this value used?
Visual field is -3 worse than the expected normal. Visual field is -3 worse than the expected normal
Why is the software not very useful in determination of the elevator value?
The software in the instrument goes to 1-2 decimal places. Whereas whole numbers are used in the printed-out result.
If software finds the ranked 7th number as 2, what is the value of the elevator?
Describe the role of elevator in relation to hill of vision?
Elevator adjusts the measured hill of vision up and down to normal hill of vision.
Within the probability analysis map, dark symbols represent?
The darker the symbol the less likelihood of the deviation lies within the normal range.