Describe what happens to fibers as they move down the optic nerve?
As you move down the optic nerve the fibers re-arrange themselves.
Does abnormality only occur on retinal levels or even in the optic nerve?
Abnormality can occur anywhere from the optic nerve to even in the retina.
What is Relative afferent pupillary defect-
A condition in which pupils respond differently to light stimuli shone in one eye at a time due to unilateral or asymmetrical disease of the retina or optic nerve. – it is indicative of the fact that there is damage in 1 eye.
What is the defect called that does not cross over horizontally. It only crosses the vertical?
This is called superior/ inferior altitudinal loss.
Altitudinal loss refers to?
Refers to damage in either the superior or inferior hemi-field. Hence, it can be superior or inferior loss only.
Px with Altitudinal loss are said to suffer a min-stroke in the optic nerve called?
AION- Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
Where does AION- Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy defect occur in the visual pathway?
This defect occurs anteriorly in the visual pathway. NOT RETINA. It occurs in one eye.
AION- Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy occurs in both or 1 eye?
1 eye
Whenever performing evolutions both eyes need to be checked, why?
Because contribution from each eye occurs simultaneously to each visual field.
Left temporal fibres correspond to what what visual feild
Left temporal fibres correspond temporally to the nasal field in the right eye.
Hemianopia (Hemianopsia) meaning?
Loss of half of the visual field (with respect to the VERTICAL midline).
Quadrantanopia (Quadrant anopsia) meaning?
Loss of one quadrant of the visual field (with respect to the VERTICAL midline). MUST INDICATE SUPERIOR OR INFERIOR.
Left Vertical field loss corresponds to damage to which side of the brain?
Right side of the brain
Homonymous meaning?
Loss on the “same side” (e.g. right or left homonymous hemianopia).
Congruous meaning?
Similar shaped defect in both eyes (e.g. congruous or in-congruous hemianopia).