LEC 3 II Flashcards
______ refers to the biological differences between males and females (genitalia, generic differences)
________ refers to the role of a male or female in society, known as gender role, or an individual’s concept of themselves, or gender identity.
_______ refers to those practices involving sexual intercourse and other behaviors involving stimulation of the genitalia and other erogenous zones for the purpose of procreation or gratification.
Sexual Behavior
______ is a complex concept that deals with the quality of being sexual, sexual activity, and sexual receptivity or interest. It is a multidimensional phenomenon that includes feelings, attitudes, and action.
______ denotes a person’s chromosomal sexual development (Male XY, Female XX)
Biologic Gender
It is a degree which a person exhibits and experiences maleness or femaleness, physically, emotionally, and mentally.
At age ___ , this view of self as male or female is already formed.
The __ contractions the hereditary information necessary for cell life.
The __ carries the genes and functions on the transmission of hereditary formation.
_____ is the inner sense a person has of being a male or female
Gender Identity
_____ is the inner sense a person has of being a male or female
Gender Identity
______ is the sum quality of a human being at conception, when biologic sex is determined (Male XY, Female XX)
By age _, most children are aware of their sexual identity as a result of consistent _____ and ______ reinforcement.
parental and social
Sum total quality of human beings.
Autosexuality – love of self
what period?