Lec 13-15: Respiratory Pharmacology Flashcards
Functions of nasal cavity
Warms, humidifies, and filters air
What happens when you leave sinusitis for way too long. Like years of sinusitis (gurl u need help)
Mucus/pus (หนอง) is congested due to paralyzed cilia and the หนอง is acidic and will dissolve the bone and when you reach the brain it will cause meningitis oh noooo
COPD is a combination of … and ….
Bronchitis and emphysema
Another name for rhinitis is …..
It is caused by …… but sometimes complicated by superinfection with …..
Common cold
Laryngotracheobronchitis (…..)
Most representative presentation is …..
Most of it is caused by …..
Barking/metallic cough
Influenza VIRUS
Croup in adults use …
But croup in children have to use ….. because …..
Selective B2 agonist
Nonselective adrenergic agonist e.g. adrenaline
Not sure but they talked about steeple’s sign and how childrens larynx are more easily collapsible
If patient is breathing and there is no wheezing but they dont look well
Idk if there will be rapid, labored breathing too but it is most likely bronchiolitis that is very severe because the air way is almost or completely closed
There will only be wheezing when the hole’s size is compromised but not completely
แน่นจมูกมาก ใช่ยากลุ่มไหนดี
น้ำมูกเยอะ ใช้ยากลุ่มไหน
IgE is on a ….. cell and antigen attaches onto the IgE
The cell releases 4 compounds, what are they?
What do these compounds cause?
NCF, ECF-A, Histamine, leukotrienes
Smooth muscle constriction, mucus hypersecretion, dilation of blood vessels and tissue edema
Properties of antihistamines (H1)
MOA of antihistamines
Competitive inhibition (cannot push can only bind unoccupied)
More effective in preventing than reversing
Antihistamines effects and side effects
Effects: reduce vasodilation, permeability, flare and itching
Side effects: drying (blurred vision, constipation), drowsiness (v1)
Traditional antihistamines
Diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine
Nonsedating peripherally acting antihistamines
Longer duration
Fexofenadine, loratidine, cetirizine
Causes of nasal congestion
Upper respiratory tract infection (common cold)
Types of decongestants
Adrenergics - biggest, sympathomimetics
Anticholinergics - less, parasympatholytics
Corticosteroids - topical
Is there rebound congestion in oral decongestants