lec 11 Flashcards
vision loss without eye loss
lose early visual areas like V1, lose visual awareness
not entirely blind -> blindsight
sight has two different pathways
- more sophisticated goes to thalamus, then visual cortex for conscious vision
- animal pathway, goes to brain stem for reflexive behavior
Human Echolocation
- plasticity of brain.
- partial compensation by audition with visual areas of brain
Plasticity of Brain
Visual system recruited by
- touch (somatosensation)
- audition (echolocation)
Ex: Ben, Sharon (hydrocephalus)
Transcranial magnetic stimulation
powerful brief magnetic field disrupt neural processing
- part of sensory cortex no longer receives information from the body
- it is invaded by nearby cortex
Phantom limbs
- before amputation, limbs often in uncomfortable positions (car accidents)
- cortex still registers limb in painful position
- Solution: visual feedback from mirror -> what you feel depends in part on what you see
Plasticity in Frogs
during embryonic development, insert another eye, so that it will also innervate the contralateral hemisphere
Removed left half of brain to stop seizures
- significant remapping when damage in early life
- speech ability migrated to right side
brain flexible even in later life
not as flexible as immature brain but processing with cortex can change to suit the environment.
ex: upside down vision