Lec 10 Flashcards
General use of Pharynx
Respiration, swallowing, phonation. Walls lined by mucous muscles. Posteriorly opposed by prevertebral fascia
Describe the Nasopharynx
behind nasal cavity above soft palate (velum). Post and superior aspects of nasopharynx related to basilar occipital bone and arch of atlas, Continuous anteriorly with nasal passage
Describe the Oropharynx
soft palate to epiglottis, ant border is post 1/3 tongue and continuous anterior with oral region
Describe the laryngopharynx
lies post to larynx and extends from epiglottis to lower border of cricoid, opens ant into oropharynx and continues inferior with larynx and esophagus
Buccinator and muscles of pharynx
3 constrictors form post limit of pharynx. Sup cons is apposed to buccinator at pteryo-mandibular raphae and therefore encloses oral region. Mid cons inserts at hyoid bone, inf cons inserts on thyroid cartilage and continuous with esophagus. Post region of constrictors is associated with thyroid gland, sym chain, sup cervical ganglion, vagus and glossopharygeal nerve
Nasopharynx structures
Begins at choanae , contains pharyngotympanic tube , small aggregate of lymphoid tissue (tubal tonsils) posterior to E tube. Otitis media = infection of E tube. Hypertrophy or edema of tubal tonsils occludes E tube. Salpingopharyngeus originates at end of aud tube and inserts into pharyngeal muscle. Acts to raise pharynx and is innervated by vagus
lymph root of nasopharynx inferior to spenoid sinus, hypertrophy results in nasal respiratory interference and infections. If enlarged = sleep apnea. Can become tumerous.
Velum (soft palate)
Tensor veli palatini: aud tube to ptrygoid to velum
Levator veli palatini: lat to chonae, medial to aud tube - goes contralateral to velum
N: M (t = V)(L= ambiguous nucleus)
S - 9
Oropharynx borders
Ant: faucies sup and post 1/3 tongue inf
Post: mid constrictor
What are the Faucies
Bound to retropharyngeal isthmus and formed by 2 muscles
Palatoglossus M: Palate to tongue, raises palatoglossal arches ant to lateral wall of oropharynx
Palatophayngeus M: palate to pharyngeal musculature, acts as sphincter N is Vagus via pharyngeal plexus
Palatine Tonsils
Between faucies, bed is danger area containing sup pharyngeal constrictor, pheryngopalatine raphae, mid ph constrictor, glossopharyngeal nerve
Lingual tonsils
post 1/3 tongue if enlarged lead to gag reflec and dysphagia (diff swallowing)
Waldeyrs ring
Tonsil ring as seen from mouth
Borders of Laryngopharynx
Ant = larynx, post = mid and inf cons at C4-6 Sup= oroph Inf = continuous with esophagus
What is the epiglottis
makes upper surface of larynx and guards air passage