LearningCurve 3a. Basic Consciousness Concepts; Sleep and Dreams Flashcards
Neuroscientists study consciousness and its connection to:
Brain Activity
Some animals sleep many more or many fewer hours per day than humans do. For example, bats sleep about _____ hours per day, whereas cows sleep only _____ hours per day.
Those who complain of insomnia typically _____ how long it actually takes them to fall asleep and _____ how long they actually slept.
overestimate; underestimate
_____ processing occurs when many aspects of a stimulus are processed at the same time.
If you gently wake someone who is in the REM stage of sleep, there is about a(n) _____ percent chance the person will report being in the middle of a dream.
College students who get insufficient sleep are NOT likely to have which of these effects?
excess energy
Marcie is driving Adam to the airport. Adam is telling Marcie about some financial difficulties he is having. Periodically, he asks Marcie for her opinion. According to the textbook, attending to the conversation may decrease activity in the areas of Marcie’s brain critical for safe driving by nearly _____ percent.
Jasper stays up very late most Saturday nights. He finds Monday mornings very difficult because he often sleeps until noon on Sunday and has trouble going to sleep at a reasonable time on Sunday night. What advice would one give him to help him with his Monday morning problem?
Jasper should try to maintain the same bedtime throughout the week.
Becky remembers a dream in which a car was parked in front of her house and a man with a baseball bat kept getting in and out of the car. According to Sigmund Freud’s theory, the specific dream details that Becky remembers is called the _____ content.
Katie prides herself on her ability to spot errors in “continuity” in movies and TV shows. A few minutes ago, she pointed out that a wine glass was nearly empty in one frame, then full in the next. Most people fail to spot these errors in continuity because of:
change blindness.
Which scenario is MOST relevant to the field of cognitive neuroscience?
A researcher can tell that Julie is looking at a telephone based on cortical activation patterns
Gerri ignores the sound of the television to focus on a telephone conversation. Gerri’s experience BEST illustrates:
selective attention.
Dr. Maida examines the brain activity that accompanies mathematical problem solving. Dr. Maida is BEST described as a(n):
cognitive neuroscientist.
To ensure he gets the most he can out of his cruise vacation, night after night Toby stays up late. He tries to sleep during the day, but his cabin is too noisy and he suffers from REM sleep deprivation. What can Toby expect to happen during his first several nights back home?
He will experience REM rebound.
Matthew tries to finish the day’s most important business by 1:00 P.M., before his brain “runs down.” His graduate student Meghna claims that her brain “comes alive” at 10:00 P.M. Matthew may be described as a(n) _____, whereas Meghna is better called a(n) _____.
lark; owl
Felicia remembers a dream in which a car was parked in front of her house and a man with a baseball bat kept getting in and out of the car. According to Sigmund Freud’s theory, the specific dream details that Felicia remembers is called the _____ content.
During commencement, a parent sat waiting for her child’s name to be called. She failed to realize that the person initially reading off the graduates’ names left and that a new person was now reading. This scenario illustrates:
Change Blindness