Learning to read & dyslexia Flashcards
We might expect that in languages which are more orthographically transparent there is a smaller difference between the accuracy of ___ & ___ word reading in the 1st year of school & expect…to be more difficult in….because…. However, Seymour’s (2003) data…
Real & pseudo. Pseudo word reading. Orthographically deep languages. You have not learnt possible exceptions regarding how to pronounce grapheme X in this nonword & so must rely on sometimes unreliable general rules. Did not show this consistently
On Seymour’s (2003) graph the green (right-hand) bars represent __ word reading and the x axis is labelled…
real. Increasing orthographic depth
On Rack’s (1994) graph the light green, left hand bar which is higher on recognition accuracy (than the dark blue, control bar) represents the phonetic condition - what does this mean? The other manipulation was…(left vs. right bar pairs)
The abbreviation differed from the pronunciation by only 1 phonetic feature rather than 2 (control words). Whether the key letter altered was at the beginning or middle of the word: changing the beginning letter disrupted reading more (i.e. the left bar pair is lower)
Goswami (1986) compared the ability to read by analogy when the target shared a rime, ___ or nothing in common with the clue word presented. Reading by analogy was successful for…. The red bars which are small for all 3 conditions represent…
Letters. Words sharing rimes only. Pre-test reading accuracy
Place these 3 concepts in order of when children become aware of them according to Goswami: Vowels, rimes & onsets
Rimes, then onsets & finally vowels
Nation (2007) in her investigation of the self-teaching H1 found main effects of ___ (1 vs. 2 vs. 4 ___) & test ___ (1 vs. 7 ___)
Exposure (times of presentation). Delay (days)
According to the DSM, the diagnosis of dyslexia requires 3 symptoms to be present. What are they?
a) reading ability is substantially below the person’s age, IQ & education, b) the disturbance interferes with academic achievement & daily activities & c) reading difficulties are in excess of those normally associated with any sensory deficit also present
On a graph where the X axis represents verbal mental age & the Y axis represents reading skill, dyslexics are those data points which fall…
Out of line with the +ve, linear correlation between verbal mental age and reading skill
What is the difference between a general & specific developmental disorder?
An impairment of all cognitive systems due to damage to general resources vs. an impairment to a single system, leaving “g” unaffected
What does constitutional mean?
Nation (2001) tested dyslexics’ vs. controls’ ability to name pictures. Two features of the names were manipulated:….
Their length (short vs. long) & their frequency of use (low vs. high F)
Nation (2001) used reading age matched controls. The controls’ reading age therefore matched their __, whereas the dyslexics’ CA…. The dyslexics were 4 years ___ than the controls
CA. Exceeded their RA. Older
Nation (2001) found that dyslexics made more errors on low & high frequency ___ words but showed no difference relative to RA matched controls on ___ words
Long. Short
Marshall (2001), Nation (2001) & Snowling (1986) provide evidence for the phonological representation H1. Name the 3 deficits which they found were exhibited by dyslexics:…
Deficits in phonological awareness, name retrieval & nonword repetition
Snowling (1986) compared the abilities of dyslexics, RA matched controls & CA matched controls to read aloud 3 types of word:…. It was found that dyslexics were especially impaired at ___ repetition i.e. impaired relative to RA matched controls & not just CA matched controls
High frequency real words, low F words & nonwords. Nonword
Name 2 other PRepresentation deficits exhibited by dyslexics but not shown by Marshall (2001), Nation (2001) nor Snowling (1986):
Deficits in phonological learning & verbal STM
The upward trajectory shown by RA-matched controls in the ability to read ___ correctly is missing in dyslexics
On the lecture flow diagram which links biology, cognition & behaviour, e.g.s of the phonological deficit are presented as ___. A left hemisphere deficit is also presented in the ___ section
Behaviours. Biology
Other theories of dyslexia can be grouped into those referring to sensory deficits e.g. (3 things) or automatisation deficits e.g. (1.5 things). What are the specific deficits within these categories?
Sensory deficits in auditory processing, low-level visual processing & pan-modal temporal processing. Automatisation deficits relating to cerebellum damage, which predicts/ explains motor & learning impairments
Are the “alternative theories” mutually exclusive of the PRepresentation H1s?
No, they all agree on the existence of a phonological deficit but disagree about its proposed origins and effects and about additional causes of dyslexia
Give 2 e.g.s of languages with shallow vs. deep orthographies
Shallow: Italian & German (= Ms Cramb). Deep: English & French
The lecturer argued that dyslexia incidence rates will not differ between languages of different orthographic depth but that its ___ ___ will
Behavioral manifestations