Learning Part One Flashcards
A relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of experience
Classical Conditioning
A type of learning where one comes to associate two different stimuli through repeated pairings.
Unconditioned Stimulus
A stimulus that naturally and automatically triggers a response without any prior learning.
Ex.) Flinching when receiving a flu shot
Conditioned stimulus
A neutral stimulus, through the association with an unconditioned stimulus, triggers a conditioned response when paired repeatedly.
Ex.) Smell of an alcohol pad
Unconditioned response
A natural or automatic reaction to a stimulus without any prior learning.
Ex.) Flinching when getting a flu shot
Conditioned Response
When an individual learns to react to a previously neutral stimulus.
Ex.) Sweating when smelling alcohol pad
CR (Conditioned Response) decreases when the US (Unconditioned stimulus) does not follow the CS (Conditioned stimulus) and the correlation between the two no longer exists.
Stimulus Discrimination
The learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and other stimuli that do not signal an unconditional stimulus.
Ex.) If Stephanie had many tattoos the needles of the tattoo machine would not elicit the same fear as the flu shot.
Stimulus Generalization
A conditioned response learned with one stimulus also happens with similar stimuli not involved in the learning.
Ex.) Stephanie fears needles, even though the conditioned response is from a flu shot.