Learning Language Flashcards
Learning Language occurs through
Direct Instruction
A subconscious process in which language is internalized without deliberate intent
Language acquisition
Developed cognitive theory of development
Stage in which intelligence is progressively demonstrated through use of symbols
Preoperational (2-7)
Stage in which children demonstrate intelligence through logical ad organized methods of thinking
Concrete Operational (7-11)
Theory that holds that language comprehension and production abilities develop through continual engagement with language
Connectionism (evolved from Piaget)
Theory that suggests repeated exposure to stimuli can create learning
Behaviorist - Skinner
A group of words and rules that compose and individuals working knowledge of a language
Linguistic set
Set of 5 hypothesis that there is no fundamental difference in the way that humans acquire first and subsequent languages
Monitor model - Krashen
Theory that only authentic acquisition through unconscious process of making meaning of the language through repeated exposure will allow students to use new language effectively
acquisition-learning hypothesis - monitor model
Input that is just slightly above the student’s current grasp
comprehensible input
Theory that children are born with the innate ability to understand the human voice and to distinguish between different parts of language
Universal grammar - Chomsky
Children are not born with enough exposure to their native languages to explaining their ability to understand phonemes and therefore this exposure cannot account for the sum of their learned language.
poverty of stimulus - Chomsky
when one applies knowledge of a first language onto another
visually similar words
students mix words from their first language in with the language they are learning
code-switching (where is the bano)