Learning Key Question Flashcards


Is the influence of role models and celebrities something that causes anorexia?


P1 - Intro - Is an eating disorder, affecting up to 5% of girls in Britain. Symptoms are extreme dieting and weight loss that can result in illness or death. Luizel Ramos, Size Zero model who died due to complications from anorexia, sparked a change in the modelling industry, with most Italian fashion shows banning Size Zero models due to their ‘glamourisation’ of extremely thin bodies, thought to encourage anorexia in those who see them as ‘role model’. This same principle applies to magazines and now social media, with many celebs using Photoshop to appear thinner.

P2 - Application - Operant Conditioning (BF Skinner) suggests ppl will lose weight if praised for their slimness, which is positive reinforcement. Becker (2002) foud that the introduction of western TV in Fiji caused an increase in purging form 0% to 11& in 1995 & 1998, and more girls reported they had used techniques to lose weight on EAT-26 questionnaire (12% to 29) - this shows how celebrities play a role. Vicarious Reinforcement can also be applied to the issue, as when people see models who are ‘role model’ being rewarded for being slim, such as having large social media folowing. it increases the likelihood of imitation greatly (as shown by Bandura 1965), which can lead to severe eating disorders.

P3 - However, while the evidence states celebrities play a role in anorexia and eating disorders, saying that it is only celebrities that cause it would be very reductionist. Multiple factors can influence behaviour, and thus attributing it to any single one is most likely wrong.

P4 - Conclusion - Learning Theories such as operant conditioning (Skinner) and Social Learning Theory (Bandura) explain how role models such as celebrities and models will often be imitated by those who perceive them as such, especially when they observe the rewards they gain for their exhibited behaviour e.g. social media following. As mainly young girls strive for this imitation, the use of extreme dieting becomes far more likely, which can often become anorexia.

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