Learning Guides 1 and 2 Flashcards
A Filipino story that states people came from Kawayan
Malakas and Maganda
Created myths to explain different elements of human life
Collection of stories that explain the origins and lives of gods
Greek mythology
Greek poem that tells the story of the Trojan War
Homer’s Iliad
Story of the voyage of the hero Odysseus
Homer’s Odyssey
Describes the creation of man
Hesiod’s Works and Days
Oral telling of myths
Minoan and Mycenaean bards from the 18th century BCE onwards
A belief in one god; this God is said to have created everything
Monotheistic belief
The general theory of relativity conceptualized a static universe, but data, calculations, and observations have shown that the universe is not static but moving.
Static Universe Theory
A German-born American physicist who presented a theory on a static universe
Albert Einstein
A falsified truth making the theory of a static universe a “scientific myth”
The cosmological constant (c)
Holds that the universe is the same at all times and places
Concept of Continuous Creation (steady-state theory)
Proposed the steady-state theory
Hermann Bondi and Thomas Gold
The currently accepted explanation on the origin of the universe
The big bang theory
Introduced the geocentric view
Claudius Ptolemy (Ptolemy of Alexandria)
Usually denotes the shape of the Earth
Introduced the Heliocentric Model
Nicolaus Copernicus
States that the sun is located near the center of the universe (unmoving) with the planets orbiting around it
Heliocentric model
Credited by Copernicus as one of the proponents of the Heliocentric view
Aristarchus of Samos