Learning Disability (SDL 3) Flashcards
How many people in the UK have a learning disability?
1.5 million.
Define learning disability.
A condition which is characterised by:
1 - A significant impairment of intelligence.
2 - A significant impairment of social functioning.
3 - An early age of onset (before the age of 18).
List 2 recommendations under the report ‘Transforming care: A national response to Winterbourne View Hospital, Department of Health (2012)’.
1 - The department of health should develop proposals to strengthen the accountability of boards of directors and senior managers for the safety and quality of care provided by their organisations.
2 - The Care Quality Commission must strengthen inspections and regulations of hospitals and care homes for this group of people, including unannounced inspections involving people who use services for their families.
List 2 recommendations of the report ‘Six Lives: the provision of public services to people with learning disabilities, Parliamentary and Public Health Service (2009)’.
1 - Effectiveness systems should be in place to enable services to understand and plan to meet the full range of needs of people with learning disabilities in their areas.
2 - Services should have the capacity and capability to provide and / or commission for their local populations to meet the additional and often complex needs of people with learning disabilities.
Give an example of a recommendation of the report ‘Healthcare for all: report of the independent inquiry into access to healthcare for people with learning disabilities, Sir Jonathon Michael (2008).
The Department of Health should adjust its ‘Standards for better health’ to reflect the ‘reasonable adjustments’ services are required to make for vulnerable groups.
List 5 problems for people with learning disabilities.
1 - Communication difficulties.
2 - Awareness of available health services.
3 - Lack of understanding of the benefits of screening.
4 - Lack of udneratandfing of the consequences of their decisions on their health needs.
5 - Risk of falling into social categories associated with poor health, including lower socioeconomic groups and the unemployed.
List 5 conditions for which people with learning disabilities are at higher risk than the rest of the population.
1 - Cancers.
2 - Coronary artery disease.
3 - Dental issues (due to poor access to dental health information).
4 - Diabetes.
5 - Epilepsy.
What is England’s policy on how the needs of people with learning disabilities should be met?
Department of Health (2009) Valuing people now: a new three year strategy for people with learning disabilities.
List 5 themes on which the UK policies on meeting the needs of disabled people are based.
1 - Citizenship.
2 - Empowerment.
3 - Choices and decision making.
4 - Equal rights.
5 - Social inclusion.
List 5 sources of information concerning the welfare of people with learning disabilities in the UK.
1 - Office of the Public Guardian: Mental Capacity Act 2005.
2 - Equality act 2010.
3 - Northern Ireland: Guidance on Consent to Treatment 2003.
4 - Scottish Executive: Adults with Incapacity Act 2000.
5 - Equal lives organisation.
List the aims of the 2007 Death by Indifference report.
1 - To highlight the discrimination faced by people with learning disabilities.
2 - To highlight how deaths occurred due to widespread ignorance and indifference.
Which term is preferred by those with learning disabilities to describe their disability?
Learning difficulties.
List 3 steps that should be taken in the diagnosis of a learning disability.
1 - Assessing IQ.
2 - Assessing ability to cope with daily living.
3 - Assessing what support is needed.
List the gradations of learning disability.
1 - Profound.
2 - Severe.
3 - Moderate.
4 - Mild.
What duty is bestowed upon social services under the Children and Families Act 2013 with regards to learning disabilities?
The duty to assess a child with a learning disability and draw up a health and educational needs plan.