Learning Disabilities Flashcards
Steps (tiers) of RTI
Reasons not to use discrepancy definition of LD
Benefits of the RTI approach
Four components of language—semantics, syntax, pragmatics etc.
Information obtained from a learning style analysis
Dyslexia (define)
Phonics Approach (define)
Working Memory (define)
Phonemic Awareness (define)
Fluency (define)
Signs of difficulty in phonological processing and orthographic coding
General relationship between learning disabilities and brain networks
Examples of classroom tasks involving executive functioning
Examples of executive functioning interventions
Which teaching approaches are NOT as effective for dyslexia?
Perfetti’s cognitive model of reading comprehension—types of comprehension
Cognitive and quantitative factors in math skills
Recommended strategies to support social/emotional functioning in children with learning disabilities
Sense of coherence
Use of special education and RTI for CLD (culturally and linguistically different) students—Montalvo’s general conclusions