Learning & Development Flashcards
Issues using in the job training methods are:
Often not well planned or structured
People assigned to train have no training to be a trainer potential transfer of undesirable habits / attitudes
Teaching of students and children
Learning by listening, by doing through discussion and through discovery
2 types of knowledge and their definitions
Explicit knowledge: things you can buy or trade (copyrights, patents, forms of intellectual property)
Tacit knowledge: learned from experience and insight
A process to identify gaps or deficiencies in employee and organizational performance
Needs analysis definition
4 types of intellectual capital
Human capital
Renewal capital
Structural capital
Relationship capital
4 sources of needs analysis
Subject matter experts
Human Resources staff
On the job training method where training methods for skilled trades workers that combine on the job training and classroom instruction
4 steps of training design and delivery (ISD model)
Training objectives
Training content
Trading methods
Learning principles
ISD model consists of 3 major steps:
Needs analysis
Design and delivery
Squires, organizes and shares information & knowledge and uses new information and knowledge to change its behaviour in order to achieve its objectives and improve effectiveness
Learning organization
Renewal capital
Intellectual property (emails,patents)
Kirkpatricks ROI formula
ROI = benefits - cost of program/ cost of program x 100
3 steps of needs analysis in the ISD?
Organization analysis
Task analysis
Person analysis
4 types of intellectual capital
Human capital (KSA) Structural capital (formal / informal systems) Renewal capital (intellectual property) Relationship capital (relationship with suppliers, customer, etc.)
3 components of ISD model (Instructional systems design model)
Needs analysis
Training design and delivery
Training evaluation
Gagnes 5 learning outcomes (VICMA)
Verbal information Intellectual skills Cognitive strategies Motor skills Attitudes
3 steps in the person Analysis
Define desired performance
Determine gap
Identify obstacles
John Anderson’s ACT theory states learning takes place in 3 stages
Declarative knowledge
Knowledge compilation
Procedural knowledge
The process of obtaining information about a job by determining the duties, tasks, and activities involved and the KSAs requires to perform the task
Task analysis
The life long education of adults
They need to know reason for learning, have foundation, self concept, readiness, orientation and motivation
Which instructional method can include mixed model strategy in which trainers show what should be done and why should not be done
Behaviour modelling
Relationship capital
An organizations relationship with suppliers, customers, competitors that include how they do business)
Informal vs formal learning
Formal: Controlled by organization Relevance is variable Timing is delayed between learning and use of knowledge required Highly structured Specific outcomes
Informal: Controlled by learner Relevance is high Timing: learning used immediately on the job Unstructured No specific outcome
Kirkpatricks hierarchical model of evaluation has 4 levels of training: with a potential 5th level added recently
Level 1 = reaction
Level 2 = learning
Level 3 = behaviours
Level 4 = results
Level 5 = ROI
Instructional methods are techniques used to simulate learning name 9 Methodist used
Lecture Discussion Case study Case incident Behaviour modelling Role play Simulations Games Action learning
Groups of people with common interests and concerns who meet regularly to share their knowledge and experience
Communities of practice
4 steps in an organizational analysis
Strategy (mission vision values)
Environment (technology, political, government)
Resources( resources available)
Context (work climate, collective attitudes of employees towards work )
Which instructional method uses operating models of physical or social events designed to represent reality (expensive method)
What is the most important step in the training and development process?
Needs analysis
On the job training method where an experienced and knowledgeable person is formally called upon to help another person develop the insights and techniques pertinent to the accomplishment of the job
2 steps in training evaluation (ISD Model)
Evaluation criteria
Evaluation design
What are the 4 learning styles (you learn best by using all 4)
Converting (thinking & doing)
Diverting (feeling & watching)
Assimilation (thinking & watching)
Accommodating (feeling & doing)
% of how employees learn both formally and informally
30% formal
70% informal (most cases the better way of offering a training program)
A training instructional method in which one problem or issue is presented for analysis and is useful when the focus is on the topic
Case incident
4 types of knowledge acquisition
1) environment scanning (internal and external teams, departments, industry watchers
2) formal learning (training and development
3) informal learning (trial and error, spontaneous)
4) communities of practice (learn from each other and identify new approaches)
Which instructional method is used as a primary way to increase trainee involvement but is not effective with large # of participants
Kraiger and Ford learning outcomes (3) (CSA)
Cognitive domaIn
Skill based domain
Affective outcomes
Steps in a task analysis (6)
1) identify target jobs
2) obtain job description
3) develop rating scale(to find importance of each task,difficulty and how often performed )
4) survey those familiar with the job
5) analyze info
6) provide feedback on results
Human capital
Knowledge skills and abilities (KSA)
Which instructional method encourages open discussion of analysis of problems and events and is often used in business schools to teach and solve realistic problems
Case study method
An in the job training method where a senior member of an organization takes a personal interest in the career of a junior employee (protege)
Needs analysis has 3 levels. What are they are what do each gather information on?
Organization - gathers info on where training is needed
Task- indicates what training is required
Person - determines who in the organization needs training
On the job training method where trainees are exposed to many functions and areas within an organization (the keg makes servers do this)
Job rotation
4 steps in a needs analysis
Concern(itch or pressure point)
Consult stakeholders
Data collection (organization,task, person analysis)
Which instructional method enables large amounts of info provided to large groups in a relatively short period of time
Structural capital
Formal systems and informal relationships that allow employees to solve problems and make decisions ( MS Teams, Office 365)
Acquisition. Of KSAs to improve performance in ones current job
Acquisition of KSAs require to perform future job responsibilities and in the long term achievement of individual career goals and organizational behaviours
A set of procedures that focuses on understanding the mental process and skills required for performing a job - used when traditional approach to task analysis cannot be used as focus is on mental processes
Cognitive task analysis
3 characteristics of communities of practice
Domain : shared interest
Community : interaction, discussion
Practice : experience and tools to solve problems
Most common method of training is ?
On the job training
Maslows hierarchy
Self actualization (developing ones true potential)
Esteem needs (feeling of competence and recognition by others)
Belonging & love needs (social interaction, friendships)
Safety needs (security, stability, freedom from anxiety)
Physiological needs(food, water, shelter)
Bottom(most basic needs)
The study of the entire organization including its strategy, environment resources and context
Organizational analysis
On the job training method in which A device at the job site helps an employee perform his/her job
Performance aid
On the job training methods include (6)
Job instruction Performance aid Job rotation Apprenticeship Coaching Mentoring
What makes up an objective (3)
Barriers to effective training (4)
1) Human (LCL of knowledge, skill, motivation)
2) Technical (poor job design, lack of tools/equipment)
3) Informational (defined goals, objectives lacking performance measures)
4) Structural (overlapping roles and responsibilities)
The process of studying employee behaviour and performance to determine whether performance meets standards (part of needs analysis)
Person analysis