Learning Assessment 5 Matching Flashcards
Theory of behavior based on tropism
Jacques Loeb
Developed Bellevue Intelligence Scale, later revised and named after him
David Wechsler
Invented first complex maze to study learning in rats
Willard Small
Pioneered research on insect learning and behavior
Charles Henry Turner
Developed law of effect based on trial-and-error learning
Edward Thorndike
Developed surgical techniques for physiological studies of digestion
Ivan Pavlov
Discovered associated reflexes through the study of motor responses
Vladimir Bekhterev
Credited with founding and promoting Behaviorism
John Watson
Assisted Watson with studies on conditioned emotional responses
Rosalie Rayner
Pioneered early studies of systematic desensitization with a child’s animal phobia.
Mary Cover Jones
Latent learning and cognitive maps
Edward Tolman
Habit strength and reaction potential
Clark Hull
Schedules of reinforcement
Burrhus Frederick Skinner
Schema and reconstructive memory
Frederic Bartlett
Language acquisition device
Noam Chomsky
Cell assemblies and neurophysiological theories of learning
Donald Hebb
Misinformation effect and false memories
Elizabeth Loftus
Challenged computer metaphor of human mind with Chinese Room problem
John Searle
Genetic epistemology and cognitive development
Jean Piaget
Moral dilemmas and moral reasoning stages
Lawrence Kohlberg
Cognitive dissonance
Leon Festinger
Self-actualization and hierarchy of needs
Abraham Maslow
Rational emotive behavior therapy
Albert Ellis
Explored cognitive distortions and overgeneralization in cognitive therapy
Aaron Beck
John Watson
Behavior: An Introduction to Comparative Psychology (1914)
Ivan Pavlov
Conditioned Reflexes (1927)
Edward Tolman
Purposive Behavior in Animals and Men (1932)
Clark Hull
Aptitude Testing (1928)
Hypnosis and Suggestibility: An Experimental Approach (1933)
Principles of Behavior (1943)
Burrhus Frederick Skinner
The Behavior of Organisms (1938)
Science and Human Behavior (1953)
Verbal Behavior (1957)
Beyond Freedom and Dignity (1971)
Frederic Bartlett
Remembering: A Study in Experimental and Social Psychology (1932)
Carl Lashley
Cerebral Mechanisms in Behavior (1948)
Donald Hebb
The Organization of Behavior (1949)
George Miller
The Magical Number Seven Plus or Minus Two (1956)
Ulrich Neisser
Cognitive Psychology (1935)