Learning and Memory Pt. II Flashcards
TOTE mechanism
- Test to obtain some representation of the problem state
- Operate - intervene in some way
- Test again to see if the desired result has been achieved. If it has not, loop back to operate. If it has:
- Exit - problem solved
medial forebrain bundle (MFB)
A fiber bundle that runs in a rostral-caudal direction though the basal forebrain and lateral hypothalamus; electrical stimulation of these axons is reinforcing.
ventral tegmental area (VTA)
A group of dopaminergic neurons in the ventral midbrain whose axons form the mesolimbic and mesocortical systems; plays a role in reinforcement.
nucleus accumbens
A nucleus of the basal forebrain near the septum; receives dopamine-secreting terminal buttons from neurons of the ventral tegmental area and is thought to be involved in reinforcement and attention.
Ventral tegmental area in monkeys
Neurons respond to reinforcer during training
Once training is established, neurons respond to the operant cue that signals availability of reinforcement
Response rate drops rapidly if reinforcement fails to occur
short-term memory
Memory for a stimulus or an event that lasts for a short while.
delayed matching-to-sample task
A task that requires the subject to indicate which of several stimuli has just been perceived.
Discrimination learning
- An attentional phase, where the learner searches for the aspect of the stimulus that is linked to reinforcement (meaning)
- An operational phase where the learner tests response strategies to maximize reinforcement
The inferotemporal
Is involved in the attentional phase of discrimination learning
Neurons in the inferotemporal cortex modify their responses during learning to reflect differences on the relevant stimulus dimension, (e.g. shape), and become less responsive to stimulus differences on the irrelevant dimension (e.g. colour)
This involves inhibition of neurons that respond to the irrelevant stimulus dimension
The dorsolateral frontal cortex
Is active in resetting intentional strategies
For example in shifting from shape to colour in a discrimination learning task
Inhibition is required to suppress responses to the formerly relevant stimulus.
declarative memory
Memory that can be verbally expressed, such as memory in a person’s life. These are explicit memories that are consciously recalled.
nondeclarative memory
Memory whose formation does not depend on the hippocampal formation; a collective term for perceptual and procedural learning. These are implicit and unconcious processes
episodic memory
mory for events organized in time and identified by a particular context.
semantic memory
emory of facts and general information.
anterograde amnesia
Amnesia for events that occur after some disturbance to the brain, such as head injury or certain degenerative brain diseases.
retrograde amnesia
Amnesia for events that preceded some disturbance to the brain, such as a head injury or electroconvulsive shock.
Korsakoff’s syndrome
Permanent anterograde amnesia caused by brain damage resulting from chronic alcoholism or malnutrition (B1 deficiency).
The reporting of memories of events that did not take place without the intention to deceive; seen in people with Korsakoff’s syndrome.
Declarative memory system
Includes hippocampus and associated cortical structures, dorsomedial nucleus of diencephalon
Damage produces anterograde amnesia with preserved semantic, procedural and implicit memory
Procedural memory system
A basal ganglia/frontal system
Responsible for memory of rules, habits
An automatic, unconscious, implicit memory system
Affected in Huntington’s disease
Spared by hippocampal/diencephalic damage
Diencephalic Amnesia
Alcoholic Korsakoff’s syndrome
B1 (Thiamine) Deficiency
Damage to mammillary bodies, dorsomedial thalamus
anterograde amnesia, temporally graded retrograde amnesia, confabulation, meagre content in conversation, poor insight, apathy
perirhinal cortex
A region of limbic cortex adjacent to the hippocampal formation that, along with the parahippocampal cortex, relays information between the enthorhinal cortex and other regions of the brain.
parahippocampal cortex
A region of limbic cortex adjacent to the hippocampal formation that, along with the perirhinal cortex, relays information between the entorhinal cortex and other regions of the brain.
taxi drivers
Taxi drivers had increased volume in the right middle/posterior hippocampus.
Bus drivers had increased volume in the left hippocampus and in the right anterior hippocampus.
These groups were dissociated on both the left/right and anterior/posterior axes.
Processing complementarity
- Right hemisphere damage impairs perception of configural or gestalt organization (R.hem damage, see face not fruit)
- Left hemisphere damage impairs perception of detail (L.hem damage see fruit not face)
Place Cell
A neuron that becomes active when the animal is in a particular location in the environment; most typically found in the hippocampal formation.