What is the Public Sector?
The Public Sector-Financed and directly managed by the government, like the NHS. The NHS is primarily funded by National insurance contributions and taxes.
Services are not directly paid for by service user but are paid through tax and national insurance contributions.
Devolved administrations (Organisations for the countries in the UK)
NHS England
NHS Scotland
NHS Wales
Health and social care Northern Ireland
There are three types of care provided
What is Primary Health Care?
Primary health care- GP’s dentists, opticians, pharmacist. First line of care and is accessed directly
What is Secondary Health Care?
Secondary health care- Specialist doctors, hospital, community, and mental health service, accessed through GP referral. Access through accident and emergency services
What is Tertiary Health Care?
Tertiary health care- Last line, end of life care, specialist spinal injury units and hospital care
What are NHS Foundation Trusts?
NHS Foundation Trusts
NHS foundation trusts are independent organisations managed by an board of governors, which may include members of the public or partner organisations, patients and staff. Aims to move decision-making towards local communities to respond to local needs and wishes, trusts that aren’t foundation trusts are managed centrally
What are mental health services?
Mental health services may be provided through GP, specialist service providers (Psychologists, counsellors, psychiatrists). More specialist support is provided by mental health foundation trusts who are managed by the community including service users. Services provided include provision of psychological therapies , psychiatric nurse support and very specialist support.
What is the community health foundation?
Community health foundation trusts work with GP’s and local authority social services departments to provide health and care support, the services provided may include:
* Adult and community nursing services
* Health visiting and school nursing
* Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, speech therapy services
* Palliative care
* Walk in/ Urgent care centres
* Specialist services (Diabetes management, contraceptive services, sexual health services)
The aim of the community health foundation trust is to provide care for service users that will enable independent life in the community
What is Adult social care?
Adult Social Care
Adult social care provision is for adults who are disabled, have mental health problems, or are frail due to age or other circumstances
* Adult social care services are the responsibility of local authority social service departments. Support provided can take many forms
* Domiciliary/ At-home care
* Day centres
* Sheltered housing
* Residential care for elderly, disabled people and people with mental health issues
* Respite or short-term residential care
* Training centres for adults with learning disabilities
In some parts of the country, care trusts that have been established are responsible for both NHS mental health services and local authority mental health provision. Primary care trusts were launched in April 2000 and established 2 years later to enhance continuity of care between NHS provision and the social care support needed for people with Mental health problems.
What are children’s services?
Children’s services
Children’s services are the responsibility of local authorities aims to support vulnerable children/young children, families, and young carers. The local council’s departments are required to work in close collaboration with other care providers, and crucially with the NHS and education services.
Support for children/families can include:
* Services to safeguard children from physical, emotional, sexual harm/abuse or neglect
* Day care for children under aged 5 and after-school support for older children
* Parenting skills support
* Practical, at home support
* Support of children’s centre
* Fostering and adoption procedures
What are GP Practices?
GP Practices
First access to health and social care provision. GP’s have extensive knowledge of medical conditions such as physical disorders, they offer preventative healthcare, they work in local communities. GP’s have the responsibility of making initial diagnosis and referring individuals if needed, they may work in multi-disciplinary teams with nurses, health visitors and healthcare assistants. GP’s work closely with other agencies including the education services, local authority, and police, they work holistically.
They are government funded as part of the NHS
They are funded according to the workload, which takes into account-
* Age of parents
* Gender
* Levels of morbidity and mortality in area
* Number of people who live in residential/nursing homes
* Patient turnover
* Receive additional payments if
* They are deemed to give high quality service
* Additional services (Immunisation)
Seniority (Based on GP’s length of service)
* Support cost of premises and equipment
* Cost for medicine
What is the voluntary sector?
Voluntary sector
Often known as charities, vary in size, history, and services. Some well-known groups such as mind, Samaritans and the NSPCC are examples, and some small organisations who are run solely by volunteers with specific needs or for a particular local community. They rely on charity support
Social services provided are independently managed, but may be government funded, charities often provide support for the NHS, adult social services and children’s services, MENCAP provides residential, day care and educational services for people with learning difficulties.
Voluntary organisations aren’t run for personal profit, use volunteers for some services and are independently managed
NCVO is the body that supports/ promotes work in voluntary organisations
What is the private sector?
Private sector
Managed by commercial companies, they work in all sectors
* Private schools/pre-schools, nurseries
* Hospitals
* Domiciliary day care
* Residential/nursing homes
* Mental health services
* Private sector provides services for central government and local authorities
* Private sector is funded by
* Fees directly paid by service user
* Payments from health insurance companies (Bupa, Saga)
* Grants and other payments from local government