Learning Flashcards
what is learning?
An enduring behavior shift that occurs with changes in sensation, perception, behavior, and brain function caused by experiences.
what is a behavior?
a reaction to a stimulus
What is conditioning?
the process by which a behavior becomes more likely due to association with some environmental factor.
what is classical conditioning?
a form of conditioning wherein organisms learn to associate stimuli with certain behaviors.
what is a neutral stimulus?
a stimuli that has no immediate association with any response.
what is an unconditioned stimulus
a stimulus that triggers an inherent sensation or response. requiring no conditioning. the key is that it without fail triggers a UCR.
what is an unconditioned response?
a reaction to a stimulus that requires no conditioning. instinctual.
conditioned stimulus
a neutral stimulus that when paired with a UCS for a period of time will begin to trigger the same UCR that a UCS would bring.
what is a conditioned response?
a behavior that an organism learns to perform when presented solely with the CS. unconditional response becomes the conditioned response after pairing it with the neutral stimulus many times.
what is forward conditioning
when the neutral stimulus is presented just before the UCS in order to make it into a CS.
what is backward conditioning?
when the UCS is consistently preented before the neutral stimulus.
what is stimulus generalization?
a CR triggered by a UCS can also cause a similar response when exposed to a similar stimuli.
what is stimulus discrimination?
the CR can only be triggered by the stimulus used during the conditioning process.
what is extinction?
when a CR weakens or disappears after the neutral stimulus is no longer associated consistently with the UCS.
what is spontaneous recovery?
even after extinction of a Cr, it can still appear at random intervals.