Learning Flashcards
For classical conditioning:
-recall the unconditioned stimulus (UCS), unconditioned response (UCR), neutral stimulus (NS), conditioned stimulus (CS) and conditioned response (CR).
- distingush between stimulus generalisation and discrimination
- describe extinction and spontaneous recovery
- describe learned fear responses (John Watson - the little albert experiment) (Watson and Rayner 1920)
For operant conditioning
- distinguish between negative and positive reinforcement and punishment
- describe stimulus generalisation and discrimination
- describe extinction and spontaneous recovery.
For social learning theory:
- distinguish between modelling and vicarious conditioning
Social learning theory is a theory that illustrates how people acquire behaviour through watching and learning from people who are important to them. This can be done through modelling where behaviour and attitudes are imitated, or vicarious conditioning, which is where an individual is more likely to exhibit or inhibit certain behaviours because they have witnessed other being rewareded or punished for a behaviour.
Compare classical conditioning (Ivan Pavlov 1897/1902), operant conditioning (BF Skinner 1948) and social learning theory (Albert Bandura 1977).
Both classical conditioning and operant conditioning involve associations between stimuli and behaviour, whereas social learning theory involves learning through observation. The role of the learner is active in operant conditioning and social learning theory, and passive in classical conditioning. Classical conditioning relies on an involuntary response, whereas both operant conditioning and social learning theory rely on voluntary responses