Learning Flashcards
Who discovered classical condition? And what is it?
Ivan Pavlov: a learning process that occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus
Example: put food in dogs mouth, it salivates. Same thing happens for humans. Inactive/passive kind of learning. Ring a bell before dog eats, he will start salivating when he hears bell, instead of seeing food.
What is an unconditioned stimulus (US)? Give an example.
Stimulus that unconditionally, naturally, and automatically triggers a response. Smelling your favorite food may make you immediately feel hungry. The smell of food is the unconditioned stimulus.
What is unconditioned response (UR)? Give an example.
The unlearned response that occurs naturally in response to the unconditioned stimulus. Smelling your favorite food may make you immediately feel hungry. The feeling of hunger in response to the smell is the unconditioned response.
What is the conditioned stimulus (CS)? Give an example.
A previously neutral stimulus that, after becoming associated with the unconditioned stimulus, eventually comes to trigger a conditioned response. Example: the sound of the bell in Pavlov’s dog example is the conditioned stimulus.`
What is the conditioned response (CR)? Give an example.
It is the learned response to the previously neutral stimulus. In Pavlov’s example, the conditioned response would be the dog salivating when it hears the sound of the bell.
What is the model for classical conditioning?
UCS -> UCR = Unconditional stimulus -> Unconditional response
CS -> CR = Dog ex. bell rings (dog salivates even with no food)
Human behaviors look at what? What are the 3 behaviors?
How human emotions and feelings are brought about through classical conditioning
- Love
- Tension
- Feelings/emotion
Love: first happens when mother nurses her child. What is the CS and the CR?
CS - face
CR - baby smiles
Tension also explains what? Give an example.
Fear behaviors.
Example: If you’re scared of big dogs, undo it by desensitizing the child. Imagine the dog is 3 blocks away. Get it closer and closer until it’s licking your face. Then do it with a real dog.
Who discovered operant conditioning? And what is it?
B.F. Skinner - uses stimuli and responses like classical conditioning, but it’s in a different order.
-Operant conditioning is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. Through these rewards and punishments, an association is made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior.
What is the model for operant conditioning?
S -> R -> S = Stimulus -> Response -> Consequence
A -> B -> C = Antecedent -> Behavior response -> Consequence
What is reinforcement?
Anything that increases the likelihood that the behavior will happen the next time around
-Defined by the effect that it has on behavior - it increases or strengthens the behavior
What is positive reinforcement? Give an example.
Adding a reinforcement stimulus following a behavior that makes it more likely that the behavior will occur again in the future.
Example: Exceed month’s sales quota, so your boss gives you a raise.
What is negative reinforcement? Give an example:
A response or behavior is strengthened by stopping, removing, or avoiding a negative outcome or aversive stimulus. If you don’t do something, bad things will happen.
Example: If you don’t come in on time, your pay will be docked.
What is an example of generalized reinforcement?
Ex. all people work hard for money.
Define schedules of reinforcement.
Rule stating which instances of behavior will be reinforced. In some cases, a behavior might be reinforced every time it occurs. Sometimes, a behavior might not be reinforced at all.
Define fixed ratio and give an example.
Something has to happen a certain number of times before you’re reinforced.
Ex. Each time you respond, you get a reinforcement. Or, every five times you respond, you get a reinforcement.
Define variable ratio and give an example.
The ratio changes from time to time. You never know when you’ll get reinforced.
Example: Gambling, you never know when you’re going to win
Business ex: commission
Which ration creates the highest productivity?
variable because the harder you work, the better chance of getting big rewards