Leadership Principles Flashcards
How do I earn trust for size localization?
- Pitching a 2 phased plan
- Short-term phase has risks, and lacks data visibility
- Provide transparency and accountability
- Provide a plan for resolution and improvement
- Make sure stakeholders feel heard
Where do I earn trust in VMI measurement?
- Not all departments had a higher fill rate %
- I recommended we still move to the new system due to a higher aggregate fill rate %
How do you explain earn trust?
- Listen to stakeholders
- Make stakholders feel heard and respected
- Making good, transparent ethical decisions
- Being self-critical
What does think big mean? How do you answer it?
- Take calculated risks and deliver, or fail.
- Go beyond the scope of the initial focus.
- Challenge the status quo.
What does Frugality mean? How do you answer it?
- Doing more with less.
- Delivering despite time and resrouce constraints.
What does Are Right A Lot mean? How do you answer it?
- How do you handle mistakes/failure
- How do you handle conflict with a stakeholders or boss
- Incomplete data to make a decision
What does Insist on Highest Standards mean? How do you answer it?
Means: Everything has a Service Level Agreement (SLA), you don’t take shortcuts, and you look for feedback from others to help ensure delivery quality is high.
Answer it:
- How did you seek or coach feedback to ensure a high standard?
- How did you set and ensure you met an SLA?
What does Ownership mean? How do you answer it?
- Ignore boundaries between jobs and departments to get ther job done.
- Won’t make excuses if something goes wrong.
- You consider future outcomes, long-term gain versus short-term.
- Talk about ownership of scope beyond your own (cross-product).
- Considered long-term benefit versus short-term gain, and planned for it.
What does Deliver Results mean? How do you answer it?
- Perservere through a setback.
- Ability to overcome failure and deliver results.
- Meeting and exceeding expectations.
- Talk about about exceeding an original goal.
- Talk about hitting a roadblock in a project and overcoming that roadblock.
What does Customer Obsession mean? How do you answer it?
- Satisfying the customer is the top priority.
- Pursue customer feedback.
- Measure customer success through data.
- Talk about how you put the customer first above all else on a project.
- Talk about a difficult customer, and the frustration with satisfying the customer.
- Talk about how to get to understand the customer.
What does Learn & Be Curious mean? How do you answer it?
- Continuous improvement.
- Keeping in touch with new trends.
- Talk about what you work on in your day to day to improve yourself.
- Talk about a specific skills you’ve worked on to improve your work.
- Talk about how you stay inspired.
What does invent & simplify mean? How do you answer it?
- Strive for efficincies and innovation.
What leadership principle pertains to these questions?
What story best fits?
Within that story, what moment hits the principle?
- Tell me about a time where you made a decision without having complete information.
- Tell me about a time you made a design decision where a lot of people had opposed you. Why did they oppose you?
Principle: Are Right A Lot
Story: Freight Order Management OR D&F POC
Moment: Convinced stakeholders to integrate on to vendor management platforms
What leadership principle pertains to these questions?
What story best fits?
Within that story, what moment hits the principle?
- Tell me about a time when you initiated work on a project that both impacted a majority of your team and had a lot of opposition.
- Tell me about a time when you had to make a bold and difficult decision.
Principle: Think Big
Story: VMI Measurement
- Issues in the data - long time for delivery - fill rate is way below that of the old system
- Forecast by Style and not by SKU - less visibility
What leadership principle pertains to these questions?
What story best fits?
Within that story, what moment hits the principle?
- Tell me about a time when everyone else on your team gave up on something but you pushed the team towards delivering a result.
- Tell me about your proudest project.
Principle: Deliver Results
Story: VMI Measurement, VMI Portal
- Went above and beyond to propose moving systems. - VMI Measurement
- Cut budget for the portal - VMI Portal
What leadership principle pertains to these questions?
What story best fits?
Within that story, what moment hits the principle?
- Tell me about a time when you worked on a project outside of your scope.
- Tell me about a time when you had to leave a task unfinished.
Principle: Ownership
Story: Size Localization
- Cross-product alignment - nobody is willing to drive.
What leadership principle pertains to these questions?
What story best fits?
Within that story, what moment hits the principle?
- Tell me about a time when you had a problem and you had to go through several hoops to discover the root cause.
- Tell me about a time when you had a problem yet no one was willing to investigate since they thought it was outside their scope of ownership.
Principle: Deep Dive
Story: Size Localization
- Cross-product alignment - nobody is willing to drive.
What leadership principle pertains to these questions?
What story best fits?
Within that story, what moment hits the principle?
- Tell me about a time when you had to work with limited time or resources.
- Tell me about a time where you turned down more resources to complete an assignment.
Principle: Frugality
Story: Size Localization
- $50 million dollars of excess inventory in extended sizes, likely to be marked down.
- 3 months to develop a capability to plan a size range by location.
What leadership principle pertains to these questions?
What story best fits?
Within that story, what moment hits the principle?
- Tell me about a time when everything was going well on a project, yet you worked on an improvement that no one had asked for. What was the improvement? Why did you think it was important? How would you measure success?
- Tell me about a time when you raised the bar.
Principle: Insist on High Standards
Story: VMI Portal
- Set a workload efficiency goal
- Set a speed to market goal (SLA)
What leadership principle pertains to these questions?
What story best fits?
Within that story, what moment hits the principle?
- Tell me about a time when you declined a customer requirement.
- Tell me about a time when a customer gave you critical feedback.
- Tell me about a time when you developed something for a customer that they did not ask for
Principle: Customer Obsession
Story: Chase/Cut Different
- Using Chase/Cut without size.
- Chase/Cut aggregated by hierarchy.
What leadership principle pertains to these questions?
What story best fits?
Within that story, what moment hits the principle?
- Tell me about a skill you recently learned. How did you learn it?
Principle: Learn & Be Curious
Story: VMI Portal
- How to tell a story and make it impactful.
- Building a Story Brand book
- Used principles in my own Concept Sprint to build context for developers.
- Talk about what you work on in your day to day to improve your stories.
What leadership principle pertains to these questions?
What story best fits?
Within that story, what moment hits the principle?
- Tell me about a time when you gave a simple solution to a complex problem.
Principle: Invent & Simplify
Story: VMI Portal
- Source product information versus just uploading all of the items.
- Strive for innovation - use the power of APIs to improve efficiency.